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Guided by a diverse Board of Directors and a focused strategic plan, ISSF is committed to making a positive impact on global tuna stocks and the marine ecosystem.

For a closer look at ISSF’s mission, approach, goals, accomplishments, peruse our Strategic Plan, Annual Report, and Board of Directors pages.

ISSF’s bylaws and annual federal income tax exemption form also are posted on this site. 


ISSF’s bylaws address key governance issues.

Tax Filing

We post our Form 990 for the most recent year.

2023–2027 Strategic Plan

Learn about our new five-year goal for sustainable tuna fisheries — and our approach to achieving it.


Board of Directors

Meet the leaders from non-governmental organizations, marine science, government agencies, and the seafood industry worldwide who serve on our Board of Directors — providing governance and fiduciary oversight to advance the ISSF vision.

Strategic Plan

Our 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability, is the third strategic plan in our history. It outlines ISSF’s objective, strategic pillars or focus areas, and our “theory of change.”

Annual Report

ISSF’s 2023 annual report covers our research activities, participating company outcomes, transparency and accountability in the seafood industry, RFMO advocacy results, and other topics.

Scientific Advisory Committee

The fisheries and marine scientists on ISSF’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) help to guide our research activities and publications.

SAC members offer objective information and input to ISSF’s scientists, leadership, and Board of Directors on a volunteer basis.