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Author: Lynne Mandel

Measuring Progress On Sustainability Commitments | PLUS Meet the ISSF Participating Companies

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ISSF Participating Company Compliance Report Shows 99.1% Conformance with ISSF Conservation Measures

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) released its Update to ISSF Annual Conservation Measures & ProActive Vessel Register Compliance Report in November 2024, and it shows a conformance rate of 99.1% by 23 ISSF participating companies with all 33 ISSF conservation measures in effect.

This report updates the ISSF Annual Conservation Measures & ProActive Vessel Register Compliance Report published in June 2024 and reflects efforts by ISSF participating companies to improve on those instances where less than full compliance was achieved. Remedial audits, if any, take place between June and October each year against measures for companies with minor nonconformance or major nonconformance.

Following the remediation period since the annual compliance report in June 2024, 17 of 23 companies fully complied with 33 audited measures, five companies had one minor non-conformance, and one had two minor non-conformances. The 99.1% conformance rate is a slight increase from 98.95% in June.

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ISSF participating companies work with ISSF to advocate for improved fishery management, fund scientific advancements through research and expert analysis, and take direct action to encourage the adoption of responsible fishing practices — all while committing to a suite of conservation measures aimed at improving the long-term health of global tuna fisheries.

Meet the participating companies


Quote of Note

“In an era when sustainability pledges in the private sector are becoming increasingly commonplace, ISSF participating companies continue to stand out in their commitment to a rigorous, transparent audit and compliance process,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “We cannot take for granted the value of this consistent, public reporting on the business practices of the world’s leading tuna companies.”


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Building on Our Successes – Transparent Accountability

ISSF President Susan Jackson discusses how ISSF is making transparent accountability in the global tuna industry possible.


INTERACTIVE MAP: Influencing for Sustainable Fishing Policies

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A Global View of Influence for Sustainable Fishing Policies

Beginning with a network of 23 leading seafood companies and extending to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)-certified and -assessed tuna fisheries and tuna fishery improvement projects (FIPs) — including stakeholders that ISSF technical experts engage with — ISSF’s advocacy partnerships have a broad global reach and impact. An updated Web feature visualizes that “influence network” in four major tuna fishing regions.

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Priorities for Tuna Fisheries Management in 2025

Each year, ISSF identifies priority actions for tropical-tuna regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) to take to improve fishery sustainability in their regions.

To shape RFMO discussion and decision-making, ISSF’s science and advocacy experts have outlined their concerns and advice for 2025. An updated ISSF web page offers an overview. ISSF position statements — which we disseminate ahead of RFMO annual meetings and special sessions — explore and expand on these priority topics.

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ISSF in the News

Bycatch Solutions Showcase 2025

Sustainable Fisheries Partnership


These Common Fishing Devices Cause Major Problems, But Researchers Are Working to Make Them Better

Triple Pundit



Priorities for Tuna RFMOs in 2025 | FAD Management, Harvest Strategies, Electronic Monitoring, & More

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Priorities for Tuna Fisheries Management in 2025

Each year, ISSF identifies priority actions for tropical-tuna regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) to take to improve fishery sustainability in their regions.

To shape RFMO discussion and decision-making, ISSF’s science and advocacy experts have outlined their concerns and advice for 2025. An updated ISSF web page offers an overview. ISSF position statements — which we disseminate ahead of RFMO annual meetings and special sessions — explore and expand on these priority topics.

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Success In Advocacy

In a video exploring the ISSF Strategic Plan, Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability, ISSF President Susan Jackson reviews successes from our collaborative efforts to improve how tuna fisheries are managed—highlighting notable areas of progress like harvest strategies and FAD management.



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RFMOs have the legal frameworks, geographic scope, and membership to facilitate positive change across global tuna fisheries. Learn more about the world’s tuna RFMOs on the ISSF website.

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ISSF in the News

Developing a blueprint for ecosystem-based tuna management

Fisker Forum


Op-Ed: Electronic monitoring revival shows we can still do hard things

World Fishing & Aquaculture (p 12)


Field Notes: ISSF Scientists Working toward Sustainable Tuna Fisheries

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ISSF Scientists Share Knowledge for More Sustainable Tuna Fisheries   

ISSF scientists are traveling the world to share their research findings and insights — from meeting with fishers and fisheries managers to uncover new sustainability approaches to testing improved tuna fishing equipment in real world conditions. Read on for recent highlights from ISSF scientists in the field.

In Rome, ISSF Senior Scientist Dr. Hilario Murua participated in a recent meeting of 30 tuna fisheries managers and scientists, as well as industry and civil society representatives, to discuss how best to advance implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in tuna fisheries. The three-day FAO workshop was hosted by the Commons Oceans Tuna Project with support from its partner ISSF. Workshop participants aimed to develop a blueprint for the implementation of an ecosystem approach by the regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) with a mandate of promoting responsible tuna fisheries.

Read More from FAO

In San Sebastian, Spain, ISSF Senior Scientist Dr. Gala Moreno participated in a scientist-fisher workshop to co-design an improved fish aggregating device (FAD) design for testing in tuna fisheries. Dr. Moreno is part of the SEARCULAR team working closely with fishers to design and trial a new cost-effective and sustainable drifting FAD made from biodegradable materials. These eco-designed, biodegradable drifting FADs will prevent long-lasting plastics from building up in sensitive ecosystems while providing equal or better performance for fishers.

Read More from SEARCULAR


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Learn more about how ISSF investigates and promotes science-based approaches for ensuring the long-term sustainability of global tuna stocks and the marine ecosystem.

The ISSF team works collaboratively with peer scientists, academics, environmental experts, governing bodies, and other stakeholders on issues where we can advance our understanding about sustainable fishing — and make a positive impact.

We publish reports, develop resources, and host events that support fishery health in key areas: tuna conservationfish aggregating device (FAD) managementmarine ecosystem healthbycatch reductioncapacity management, and illegal fishing prevention.

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Our experts document activities and insights from ISSF at-sea research projects, international workshops and meetings, and fisheries data analysis.

Browse ISSF Reports

In addition to sharing research findings and analysis in ISSF reports, our scientists and advocacy experts co-author peer-reviewed articles in leading journals. See a list of peer-reviewed articles co-authored by our Staff, Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) members, or other scientists whose projects were partially or fully funded by ISSF.

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ISSF scientists, collaborating researchers, and members of the ISSF SAC also submit papers to tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) on a variety of topics.

Peruse Tuna RFMO Papers

“Electronic monitoring revival shows we can still do hard things” | NEW Op-ed & Updated Resources

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Op-Ed: Electronic monitoring revival shows we can still do hard things

“This time last year, we were stuck. It seemed our once-energetic, innovative, tuna-centric community was still trying to shake off the gumption-deadening malaise of the 2020–2023 Covid-19 pandemic. After witnessing many years of progress toward global sustainability goals, I was so struck by this apparent loss of drive that I wrote a warning essay about what I saw: A widespread and alarming loss of urgency,” writes Susan Jackson, ISSF President.

“To drive my point home, I focused on one issue I consider the “poster child” of sustainability-enhancing technologies, onboard electronic monitoring systems (EMS). Quite bluntly, I called out a persistent failure to position electronic monitoring (EM) as the norm for ensuring independent observer coverage in the world’s tuna fisheries, despite technical advances in comparable fields and a drumbeat of science-based advocacy. Today, I’m happy to eat my words.”

Keep reading in World Fishing & Aquaculture (subscription required)

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What is Electronic Monitoring?

An electronic monitoring system (EMS) is an advanced fishing-monitoring system installed in fishing vessels that integrates a set of components for continuously recording information during fishing trips. EMS largely consist of cameras integrated with GPS that register exact positions, and sensors that start recording when they detect specific actions on the vessels — such as setting or hauling fishing gear.

EMS, if properly installed and designed, can be considered a reliable and accurate method to estimate catches and monitor fishing activities onboard vessels. EMS can be valuable for science and compliance purposes.

Learn more by accessing relevant reports, op-eds, and infographics on our EM landing page on the ISSF website including a new fact sheet explaining how EMS help to support more sustainable tuna fishing.

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BLOG ROUND UP: Reviewing Recent Outcomes for Tuna Fisheries 

As we look forward to another year of collaborative work at ISSF, we’re looking back at last year’s notable results. From electronic monitoring to FAD management, how did tuna regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) progress priority areas of sustainable fisheries management?

Review Tuna RFMO Outcomes

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An updated infographic shows how all tuna RFMOs have made progress in using electronic monitoring (EM) systems to provide on-board vessel monitoring.

RFMOs begin using data received from EM systems for scientific and/or compliance purposes approximately two years after the adoption of EM minimum standards: one year for program implementation, and an additional year for data review and submission. However, for those CPCs currently implementing an EM program, this timeline could be shortened to one year.


Reviewing 2024 Outcomes for Tuna Fisheries

Happy New Year! As we look forward to another year of collaborative work at ISSF, we’re looking back at notable results in 2024.

From electronic monitoring to FAD management, how did tuna regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) progress priority areas of sustainable fisheries management?

Read on for a recap of 2024 outcomes, as reviewed by ISSF’s fisheries science and policy experts.

ISSF Welcomes Strong Outcomes for Western and Central Pacific Ocean Tuna Fisheries at Management Meeting, including the Adoption of Minimum Standards for Electronic Monitoring

Strong Results at ICCAT Annual Session: New Tropical Tuna Measure and Management Procedure for Skipjack Tuna

Minimum Standards for Electronic Monitoring Is Top “Win” for Improved Tuna Fisheries Management at IATTC Annual Meeting

Indian Ocean Fisheries Managers Adopt Strongest FAD Management Measure Among Tuna RFMOs




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88% of Global Tuna Catch Comes from Stocks at Healthy Levels | ISSF Updates Status of the Stocks Report

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88% of Global Tuna Catch Comes from Stocks at Healthy Levels; 10% Requires Stronger Management

Of the total commercial tuna catch worldwide, 88% comes from stocks at “healthy” levels of abundance, according to the November 2024 ISSF Status of the Stocks report, marking an improvement of two percentage points compared to previous March 2024 report findings. Overfished stocks account for 10% of the total catch—unchanged from the last report. The percentage of the catch that came from stocks at an intermediate level of abundance decreased from 4%—as reported in March 2024—to 2%.

Changes in stock status ratings since the March 2024 report include:

  • Abundance or “spawning biomass” (SSB) and exploitation rate or fishing mortality (F) ratings for Eastern Pacific Ocean bigeye improved from yellow to green.
  • Pacific Ocean bluefin’s F rating also improved from yellow to green.
  • SSB and F ratings for Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean albacore changed from orange to yellow. However, there is high uncertainty about the stock status due to poor monitoring and basic fishery statistics.

According to the November 2024 report, the below tuna stocks are considered overfished and/or subject to overfishing:

  • Indian Ocean bigeye and Indian Ocean yellowfin stocks are overfished and subject to overfishing, unchanged since the March 2024 report.
  • Pacific Ocean bluefin is overfished, also unchanged since the March 2024 report.

In terms of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMO) stock management, key updates since March 2024 include:

  • The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) adopted a new management procedure for skipjack tuna that will help reverse overcatch and ensure the long-term sustainability of the species.
  • The IOTC and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) released updated fish aggregating device (FAD) measures, helping to improve how FADs are used and managed, reducing the impacts of FADs on the ecosystem, and increasing monitoring of these devices at sea.

ISSF publishes its signature Status of the Stocks report several times yearly using the most current scientific data on 23 major commercial tuna stocks. This Status of the Stocks report summarizes the results of recent scientific assessments of these stocks and the current management measures adopted by the RFMOs, as of September 30, 2024.

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Featured Tool

Interactive Stock Status Tool

Our interactive tool allows you to visualize current and historical data from ISSF’s Status of the Stocks report. The tool has three tabs — one for visualizing tuna stock health since 2011, another for visualizing the current tuna catch by fishing method, and a third with catch trends by fishing method since 1950.

Explore HERE




ISSF Welcomes Strong Outcomes for Western and Central Pacific Ocean Tuna Fisheries at Management Meeting, including the Adoption of Minimum Standards for Electronic Monitoring

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) recently wrapped its annual meeting in Fiji. With the majority of the world’s tuna catch sourced from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), the WCPFC gathering is highly anticipated and closely watched.

This year’s meeting concluded with several positive results for Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries, including for electronic monitoring (EM) and management procedures. ISSF urged action on these priority topics, among others. Here is a review of the outcomes of the WCPFC meeting against our organization’s most critical asks.

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ISSF in the News

ISSF’s New Compliance Report Shows 99.1% Participating Company Conformance

Fish Focus


ISSF: Strong progress for Atlantic Ocean tuna fisheries

World Fishing & Aquaculture


Strong Outcomes for Pacific Ocean Tuna Fisheries at WCPFC Meeting | ISSF Welcomes the Adoption of Minimum Standards for Electronic Monitoring

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ISSF Welcomes Strong Outcomes for Western and Central Pacific Ocean Tuna Fisheries at Management Meeting, including the Adoption of Minimum Standards for Electronic Monitoring

The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) recently wrapped its annual meeting in Fiji. With the majority of the world’s tuna catch sourced from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), the WCPFC gathering is highly anticipated and closely watched.

This year’s meeting concluded with several positive results for Pacific Ocean tuna fisheries, including for electronic monitoring (EM) and management procedures. ISSF urged action on these priority topics, among others. Here is a review of the outcomes of the WCPFC meeting against our organization’s most critical asks.

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ISSF Welcomes Progress for Atlantic Ocean Tuna Fisheries | PLUS! UPDATED Report: 17 of 23 ISSF Companies Fully Compliant with 33 Sustainable Fishing Measures Audited

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Strong Results at ICCAT Annual Session: New Tropical Tuna Measure and Management Procedure for Skipjack Tuna

ISSF is welcoming strong progress for Atlantic Ocean tuna fisheries as the annual meeting of International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) concludes. We are especially pleased that the Commission adopted an updated tropical tuna management measure, as well as a management procedure for western Atlantic skipjack tuna.

Here is a review of the outcomes of the ICCAT meeting against some of our organization’s priorities as outlined in our 2024 position statement.

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Latest Update to ISSF Participating Company Compliance Report Shows 99.1% Conformance with ISSF Conservation Measures

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has released its Update to ISSF Annual Conservation Measures & ProActive Vessel Register Compliance Report, which shows a conformance rate of 99.1% by 23 ISSF participating companies with all 33 ISSF conservation measures in effect.

This report updates the ISSF Annual Conservation Measures & ProActive Vessel Register Compliance Report published in June 2024 and reflects efforts by ISSF participating companies to improve on those instances where less than full compliance was achieved. Remedial audits, if any, take place between June and October each year against measures for companies with minor nonconformance or major nonconformance.

Following the remediation period since the annual compliance report in June 2024, 17 of 23 companies fully complied with 33 audited measures, five companies had one minor non-conformance, and one had two minor non-conformances. The 99.1% conformance rate is a slight increase from 98.95% in June.

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Featured Video

Building on Our Successes – Transparent Accountability

ISSF President Susan Jackson discusses how ISSF is making transparent accountability in the global tuna industry possible.