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ISSF Report Shows Management of Many Tuna Stocks Not Meeting Criteria for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Sustainability Standards

Only six out of 19 major commercial tuna stocks are being managed to avoid overfishing and restore depleted fish populations because the majority of the stocks are not protected by well-defined harvest control rules (HCRs) from Regional Fishing Management Organizations (RFMOs), according to independent scientists in a report published by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF).

ISSF 2017-09: An Evaluation of the Sustainability of Global Tuna Stocks Relative to Marine Stewardship Council Criteria finds that, while there has been progress by RFMOs towards developing harvest strategies and implementing well-defined harvest control rules, failure to implement controls for stocks before rebuilding is required has led to an inability to meet the MSC standard’s minimum requirements on harvest control rules.

Only 6 of 19 commercial #tuna stocks are being managed to avoid #overfishing. Share on X

In the December 2016 version of the report, almost twice as many stocks — 11 of 19 — were found to be well managed. This variance can be attributed in part to refinements made in 2017 regarding how the MSC standard assesses harvest control rules. The authors note, “Scoring guideposts were changed and additional guidance was provided to interpret the scoring guidepost text. The objective of these changes was not to alter the standard, but to continue to improve consistency in its definition and application across the wide variety of fisheries that are seeking certification.”

The report also notes an improvement in stock status scores (PI 1.1.1). For a visual summary of changes over time in the report’s scores, please see related infographics on the ISSF website: Summary of Sustainable Tuna Stocks (MSC Principle 1) and RFMO Performance (MSC Principle 3 Averages).

About the Report
An Evaluation of the Sustainability of Global Tuna Stocks takes a consistent, comprehensive approach to scoring stocks against certain components of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard. The MSC is a global certification program for fisheries.

The report — updated three times since first published in 2013, and organized by individual tuna stock and tuna RFMO — is designed to:

  • Provide a basis for comparing between stock scores and tuna RFMO scores as assessed by the same experts
  • Become a useful source document for future tuna certifications or in the establishment of tuna Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs)
  • Prioritize ISSF projects and advocacy efforts against initiatives that will improve low performance indicator scores

The scores in the report focus on stock status (MSC Principle 1) and the international management aspects relevant to RFMOs (part of MSC Principle 3) and are based on publicly available fishery and RFMO data. Each of these Principles is evaluated in relationship to Performance Indicators (PIs) within each Principle.

The Evaluation report also includes detailed remarks on each stock, evaluations of the four RFMOs, and comprehensive reference citations.

Additional Report Findings
The report scores the main commercial tuna stocks (bigeye, yellowfin, albacore, and skipjack — but not bluefin) and each tuna RFMO (ICCAT, IATTC, WCPFC, and IOTC). An 80 is a passing score, below 60 is a failing score, and 60–79 would indicate a conditional pass, with the requirement that any deficiency is addressed within five years if a fishery were to become MSC-certified.

Other findings for each principle are as follows:

MSC Principle 1
The MSC’s Principle 1 states: “A fishery must be conducted in a manner that does not lead to overfishing or depletion of the exploited populations and, for those populations that are depleted, the fishery must be conducted in a manner that demonstrably leads to their recovery.”

Regarding stocks receiving passing scores:

  • Among seven tuna stocks in the Atlantic Ocean, two received an overall principle-level passing score: Yellowfin and Northern Albacore, which “has recovered from biomass reductions several decades ago”
  • Western Pacific Skipjack, Eastern Pacific Yellowfin, Eastern Pacific Bigeye, and Indian Ocean Skipjack all received principle-level passing scores.

In contrast, regarding stocks receiving failing scores:

  • In the Pacific, four stocks received overall principle-level failing scores: Western Yellowfin; North Albacore, South Albacore, and Western Bigeye, which has been undergoing a steady decline since the 1970s.
  • Likewise, in the Indian Ocean, Yellowfin, Bigeye, and Albacore all received overall principle-level failing
  • Yellowfin stocks in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans require rebuilding, as does Atlantic Bigeye.
  • Mediterranean Albacore and Indian Ocean Yellowfin had the most failing scores on individual performance indicators — including on stock rebuilding, harvest strategies and harvest control rules and tools.

MSC Principle 3
The MSC’s Principle 3 states: “The fishery is subject to an effective management system that respects local, national and international laws and standards and incorporates institutional and operational frameworks that require use of the resource to be responsible and sustainable.”

  • Two RFMOs — WCPFC and IATTC — received passing scores for all seven performance indicators under Principle 3.
  • The other two RFMOs — ICCAT and IOTC — received conditional passing scores on two performance indicators: “consultation, roles and responsibilities” and “compliance and enforcement.” ICCAT was given a conditional pass score for “legal and customary framework.” Other performance indicators include “long term objectives”; “fishery specific objectives”; “decision-making processes”; and “management performance evaluation.”
  • All four RFMOs received overall principle-level passing scores from the authors.

While the report focuses on tuna stock status and sustainability as well as on RFMO policies, it does not address national or bilateral fishing jurisdictions, gear- or fleet-specific ecosystem impacts, or specific fisheries’ ecosystems — all of which are also considered within the MSC assessment methodology.

Since 2011, ISSF has been an active stakeholder in MSC tuna fishery assessments and certifications. ISSF’s strategic objective is to develop and implement verifiable, science-based practices, commitments and international management measures to help all tuna fisheries become capable of meeting the MSC certification standard without conditions.


Update to ISSF Participating Tuna Company Compliance Report Shows 100 Percent Conformance

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has released its Update to ISSF Conservation Measures & Commitments Compliance Report, which shows a first-ever conformance rate of 100 percent by 28 ISSF participating companies with all 21 ISSF conservation measures in effect as of December 31, 2016. ISSF Participating Companies account for about approximately 75% of the global canned tuna market.

As part of its commitment to transparency and accountability, ISSF engages third-party auditor MRAG Americas to assess ISSF Participating Companies’ compliance with ISSF’s conservation measures according to a rigorous audit protocol.

The November 2017 Update is based on audits conducted from May–November 2017 on measures where some companies had “minor” or “major” nonconformance. Improvements noted since the May 2017 ISSF Conservation Measures & Commitment Compliance Report include:

ISSF participating companies -- 75% of the canned tuna market -- have reached a #conservation milestone. Share on X
  • MRAG’s new audit showed 28 companies have corrected all non-conformances to become fully compliant with all 21 measures audited, compared to 22 fully-compliant companies in the May 2017 report.
  • None of the companies had minor non-conformances, as compared with five that did in May 2017. MRAG’s May report also showed that six companies had at least one major non-conformance, with a total of 12 major non-conformances found. As of the November 2017 update, all major non-conformances had been remediated.
  • Participating companies were able to close their compliance gap in 2016, moving from 97.5 percent (May 2017 report) to 100 percent full conformance.
  • The rate of full conformance has increased steadily each reporting period:
    • June 2015: 79.8 percent
    • June 2016: 87.2 percent
    • October 2016: 95.6 percent
    • May 2017: 97.5 percent
    • November 2017: 100 percent

The ISSF Conservation Measures & Commitments Compliance Report is published annually to track ISSF participating companies’ progress in conforming with ISSF conservation measures like these:

ISSF adopts new conservation measures regularly; four new measures were adopted in 2017, for example.

In addition to the summary compliance reports, third-party independent auditor MRAG Americas issues individual ISSF participating company reports that document in detail their compliance with conservation measures. Last year marked the first time that ISSF started publishing the individual company compliance reports on its website.

“Transparency and independence in the auditing process create the foundation for accountability that make our conservation measures effective, and each company’s actions influence and raise the bar for the other industry players,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “These companies have come a long way in making sustainability a part of their business strategy. They’re helping to make sure that they’re not only following the conservation measures on a path of continuous improvement individually, but that the companies as a group are also setting the tone for the entire tuna industry.”

More Information about ISSF Conservation Measures & Compliance
For long-term tuna sustainability, a growing number of tuna companies worldwide are choosing to participate with ISSF, follow responsible fishing practices, and implement science-based conservation measures. From bycatch mitigation to product traceability, ISSF participating companies have committed to conforming to a set of conservation measures and other commitments designed to drive positive change—and to do so transparently through third-party audits.

View ISSF Conservation Measures

View ISSA Compliance Policy

ISSF Report Analyzes Purse Seine Tuna Fishing Impacts on Sharks, Rays, and Other Species

Using data from Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs), scientific observer programs, and its own at-sea research and skippers workshops, the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has published an updated report that documents purse-seine tuna fishing’s impact on “non-target” species. The bycatch species covered in the report are sharks, whale sharks, rays, finfish, sea turtles, and billfish. While they are not bycatch species, the report also touches upon catches of undesirably small bigeye and yellowfin tunas.

Organized by species and including graphics and a full bibliography, “ISSF 2017-06: A Summary of Bycatch Issues and ISSF Mitigation Activities to Date in Purse Seine Fisheries, with Emphasis on FADs”:

  • Identifies issues of concern for each species
  • Summarizes the effectiveness of different bycatch-mitigation practices — at different stages of fishing operations — for either avoiding non-target species or reducing their mortality when caught
  • Describes ongoing ISSF bycatch research activities
  • Lists existing RFMO measures for minimizing bycatch
Not all non-target species are equally vulnerable to becoming bycatch in purse-seine fisheries. Share on X

“A Summary of Bycatch Issues” is intended to be a useful reference for fishers and tuna companies, scientists, regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs), government agencies, nongovernment organizations (NGOs) including conservation groups, and others interested in helping fisheries to be more sustainable.

Report Data and Insights Can Guide Conservation Efforts

The November 2017 report, authored by ISSF staff and collaborating scientists Victor Restrepo, Laurent Dagorn, David Itano, Ana Justel-Rubio, Fabien Forget, and Gala Moreno, is an update of a 2014 publication.

Not all non-target species are equally vulnerable to becoming bycatch in purse-seine fisheries, and bycatch rates for a single species can vary across oceans. For some species, other fishing methods have higher bycatch than purse-seine fishing. Here are some key findings in the report:

  • SHARKS: 90% of sharks that become entangled in FAD nets in purse-seine fisheries are silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis); the oceanic whitetip shark ( longimanus) is another bycatch species. By avoiding setting on small schools of tuna (e.g. < 10 tons) around FADs, fishers could significantly reduce their catches of silky sharks by 20% to 40%, depending on the ocean. 
  • WHALE SHARKS: Whale shark (Rhyncodon typus) interaction rates with purse seiners are very low: The Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), for example, recorded a set encounter rate of 0.94%. But any whale shark fishing mortality is a concern due to their life history and ecological significance. Time/area fishing closures do not appear effective for avoiding catching whale sharks, but best practice guidelines for their release exist. 
  • RAYS: Rays are not common bycatch in purse seine fisheries, at less than 0.1% by weight, and are mostly caught in free-school sets. Release from the deck is a viable alternative to release from the net. Fishers should avoid using hooks, wires or tightening slings and lifting or dragging by the gill slits or cephalic lobes.
  • SEA TURTLES: Sea turtles are caught in very small numbers by purse seiners, with most (greater than 90%) released alive relatively easily. Using non-entangling FADs can prevent turtle entanglement.
  • UNDESIRABLY SMALL BIGEYE AND YELLOWFIN TUNAS: Bigeye and yellowfin are not considered non-target species. Nonetheless, FAD fishing for skipjack stocks can result in higher catches of small bigeye and yellowfin, which can contribute to their overfishing. The species’ slower growth rates, higher longevity and higher age at maturity increase vulnerability to fishing. Mitigation efforts being evaluated include: adjusting the relative prices of small bigeye and skipjack tuna; setting species-specific quota; temporarily closing to fishing some areas of high concentrations; or managing the number of fishing sets on floating objects.

ISSF on Bycatch Mitigation

Since its inception in 2009, ISSF has dedicated resources and efforts to understanding bycatch issues in tuna fisheries (see “Related ISSF Activities” sections in the report). In addition to publishing scientific reports, ISSF hosts bycatch-mitigation workshops and publishes guidebooks and videos for skippers and other stakeholders. The Foundation also advocates science-based, mitigation measures to RFMOs through meetings and side events, position statements, and joint letters.

Commercial vessels catch about 4.7 million tons of tuna annually. Purse-seine vessels dominate large-scale tuna fishing, harvesting about 64% of the tropical tuna catch (skipjack, yellowfin, and bigeye tuna). Many purse seiners use Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) or other floating objects to attract tuna to their nets, although they also may pursue sets on free-swimming tuna schools. More than half of the total tropical tuna landings globally are made by sets on FADs or other floating objects.

Bycatch occurs across most major tuna fishing methods — including longline, gillnet, and troll — and all fishing methods can affect the marine environment in multiple ways beyond bycatch.

“ISSF 2017-06: A Summary of Bycatch Issues and ISSF Mitigation Activities to Date in Purse Seine Fisheries, with Emphasis on FADs” can be downloaded from the ISSF site.

For more information on tuna stock health, see ISSF’s Status of the Stocks. For more information on FAD fishing and bycatch, see ISSF’s Questions and Answers about FADs and Bycatch.


Yellowfin and Bigeye Catch Limit, FAD Data Improvements, and Increased Observer Coverage Top Conservation Group’s “Asks” for Sustainable Atlantic Tuna Fisheries

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has released its position statement in advance of the 25th Regular Meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in Marrakech, Morocco, on 14-22 November 2017.

“ICCAT made substantial headway last year by agreeing to maintain total allowable catch levels for yellowfin and bigeye tuna stocks, which have experienced overfishing in recent years,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “But ICCAT’s science committee estimates that catch limits for bigeye and yellowfin were still exceeded in 2017, by 11 percent and 16 percent, respectively. The situation must be addressed.”

#ICCAT should require 20% #observer coverage on longline #tuna vessels at minimum. Share on X

ISSF is asking that ICCAT adopt stock-specific measures in line with its science committee’s advice and that it allocate the yellowfin catch limit by gear type so that ICCAT member countries can know their individual limits. ICCAT must also ensure that fishing capacity of purse seine fleets is in line with catch limits and adopt in-season catch monitoring to avoid exceeding those limits.

FAD Management

ISSF also asks that ICCAT immediately address persistent gaps in FAD data reporting and ensure that requirements for non-entangling FADs are met. Further, ICCAT should implement its FAD Working Group recommendation to extend 100 percent observer coverage on large-scale purse seine vessels to the entire year.

“FAD sets account for nearly 50 percent of tropical tuna catches in the Atlantic Ocean,” Jackson continued. “We have to improve the monitoring and management of FAD usage in all ocean regions, and that starts with RFMO contracting parties complying with required data reporting. ICCAT scientists cannot effectively analyze and provide management recommendations on FADs without access to the best information.”

Longline Observer Coverage

Troublesome data gaps also persist for the longline sector. ICCAT scientists have highlighted that the current 5% observer coverage requirement is inadequate to provide reasonable estimates of total bycatch. And data on observer coverage in longline fisheries indicates some fleets are not meeting even this 5% mandatory minimum. This lack of data on longline catches and interactions with non-target species hinders scientific input on effective conservation measures. It must be rectified.

ISSF urges ICCAT to implement its scientific staff’s recommendation to increase the minimum level of observer coverage to 20% for longline fleets, and other major gears. At the same time, ICCAT must strengthen compliance by identifying and sanctioning non-compliance through its Compliance Committee. ISSF is also recommends that ICCAT develop binding measures to ensure the safety of human observers.

Other priority improvements in the ISSF position statement include:

  • Adoption of interim Harvest Control Rules (HCRs) for North Atlantic Albacore that have been tested by the science committee and execution of an independent peer review of the management strategy evaluations set in place last year.
  • Adoption of measures to strengthen the region’s existing shark finning measures and reduce catches of northern shortfin mako sharks, and require that accurate data are collected and submitted on catches of all oceanic sharks.
  • Development of E-monitoring and E-reporting standards for longline vessels, as soon as possible.
  • Adoption of further amendments to modernize the ICCAT VMS measure and bring it in line with global best practices.

Read the full position statement in English, French or Spanish.

Updated ISSF Status of the Stocks Report Shows Tuna Stock Abundance and Fishing Mortality Improvements

Of the total tuna catch, 78% comes from stocks at “healthy” levels, an increase of 2% since last reported, according to a November 2017 International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) Status of the Stocks report. Eleven percent of the global catch comes from overfished stocks, and another 11% of the catch is from stocks at an intermediate level of abundance. (See “Key Questions” below for definitions of overfished and overfishing.)

Updated several times per year, Status of the Stocks ranks the 23 stocks of major commercial tunas around the world using a consistent methodology. The report assigns color ratings (green, yellow or orange) on stock health, alternately noted as “abundance” and “spawning biomass”; fishing mortality; and ecosystem impact.

Want to know if a #tuna stock is overfished? Consult our Status of the Stocks report. Share on X

There are some encouraging changes in tuna stock status since the previous February 2017 Status report. The November 2017 report reflects new data from 2017 tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) meetings:

  • Abundance ratings improved for Eastern Pacific bigeye, Western and Central Pacific bigeye, Mediterranean albacore, and Western Atlantic bluefin.
  • Fishing mortality ratings improved for Western and Central Pacific bigeye, North Pacific albacore, and Indian Ocean albacore.

In contrast, two bluefin stocks (Southern and Pacific Ocean), one yellowfin stock (Indian Ocean), and one bigeye stock (Atlantic Ocean) remain overfished. See Tables 1 and 2 in the report for specific rating changes.

Inadequate bycatch monitoring and/or bycatch mitigation measures — represented by separate “Environmental Impact” scores, the third rating area — still are a concern in many of the tuna fisheries studied.

Key Findings in Updated Report

Other notable statistics and findings include:

  • Total catch: In 2015, the total major commercial tuna catch was 4.8 million tonnes, a 4% decrease from 2014. More than half of the total catch (58%) was skipjack tuna, followed by yellowfin (28%), bigeye (8%) and albacore (4%). Bluefin tunas accounted for only 1% of the global catch. These percentages did not change from the February 2017 report.
  • Abundance or “spawning biomass” levels: Globally, 57% of the 23 stocks are at a healthy level of abundance (an increase of 5% from the previous report), 17% are overfished, and 26% are at an intermediate level.
    • Stocks receiving orange scores, indicating overfishing or overfished status, include both Southern Hemisphere and Pacific Ocean bluefin, Indian Ocean yellowfin, and Atlantic bigeye.
  • Fishing mortality levels: 65% of the stocks (an 8% improvement since the previous report) are experiencing a low fishing mortality rate, and 13% are experiencing overfishing.
  • Largest catches by stock: The three largest catches in tonnes are Western Pacific Ocean skipjack, Western Pacific Ocean yellowfin, and Indian Ocean yellowfin.
  • Tuna production by fishing gear: 64% of the catch is made by purse seining, followed by longline (12%), pole-and-line (9%), gillnets (4%) and miscellaneous gears (11%).

For the first time in Status of the Stocks history, the November 2017 report features an appendix with a list of fisheries certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).“The MSC fishery certification scheme is the most widely recognized indicator of seafood sustainability,” explains Dr. Victor Restrepo, Vice President of Science, ISSF. “The list helps us to track the tuna stocks and fishing gears that are certified.” 

About the Report

There are 23 stocks of major commercial tuna species worldwide – 6 albacore, 4 bigeye, 4 bluefin, 5 skipjack, and 4 yellowfin stocks. The Status of the Stocks summarizes the results of the most recent scientific assessments of these stocks, as well as the current management measures adopted by the RFMOs. In addition, this report ranks the status and management of the 23 stocks using a consistent methodology based on three factors: Abundance, Exploitation/Management (fishing mortality) and Environmental Impact (bycatch).

ISSF produces two reports annually that seek to provide clarity about where we stand — and how much more needs to be done — to ensure the long-term sustainability of tuna stocks: the Status of the Stocks provides a comprehensive analysis of tuna stocks by species, and the Evaluation of the Sustainability of Global Tuna Stocks Relative to Marine Stewardship Council Criteria provides a review of the health of tuna fisheries by region. The MSC-certified fisheries list (Appendix 2) in Status of the Stocks complements the Evaluation report.

Together, these tools help to define the continuous improvement achieved, as well as the areas and issues that require more attention. Access the newly updated ISSF stock status ratings here.

Key Questions Answered by the Report

Status of the Stocks answers three key questions about each tuna stock:

Is the stock overfished?
The report measures the abundance of fish that are able to reproduce each year, called the spawning stock biomass (SSB), and compares it to an estimate of the biomass that would produce maximum sustainable yield (SSBMSY), which is the spawning biomass that results in the highest average catches in the long-term (this is a target of fisheries management). When SSB is below SSBMSY , the stock is in an “overfished” state.

Overfishing doesn’t necessarily mean that the stock is in immediate danger of extinction or collapse — it means that currently, the fish aren’t being allowed to grow and reproduce at their most productive level. If a stock is overfished, the report will note any corrective measures being taken by the relevant fisheries management organization (RFMO). 

Is it in danger of becoming overfished?
The report measures the fishing mortality rate (F), a measure of fishing intensity, and compares it to the fishing mortality that produces maximum sustainable yield (FMSY). When F is above FMSY, the stock is in danger of becoming overfished in the future. This is called overfishing. If overfishing is taking place, the report will note any corrective measures being taken.

Are the methods used to catch the tuna also catching significant numbers of non-targeted species?
The report also measures the environmental impact of fishing in terms of “bycatch” rates. Bycatch is any species caught by the boat that is not the kind of fish the skipper is searching for. All fishing methods result in some bycatch of non-target species. The report identifies the relative bycatch rates by fishing gear and reports on mitigation measures adopted by the RFMOs for various species groups.


ISSF Requires Tuna Processors Worldwide to Purchase Only from Companies that Meet Sustainability Criteria

Seafood processors, traders, and marketers can accelerate the path to globally sustainable tuna fisheries by purchasing many of their tuna products from suppliers that meet strict sustainability criteria, according to the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), which has released a new conservation measure for its participating companies to follow.

ISSF Conservation Measure 2.4: Purchase Requirements from ISSF Participating Companies to Enhance the Effectiveness of ISSF Conservation Measures requires that the nearly 30 ISSF participating companies purchase tuna products — with specific parameters as explained in full text of the measure — primarily from other suppliers that are ISSF participants. Any tuna supplier that chooses to follow ISSF conservation measures, commits to the ISSF compliance audit process, and successfully completes an initial audit of if traceability system may apply to become an ISSF participating company.

“Conservation Measure 2.4 provides the foundational framework for our market influence strategy by requiring all stakeholders in the tuna trade to adhere to the same standards that ISSF Participating Companies are held to and audited against,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson.

“The structure of many ISSF conservation measures means that sustainability best practices — from bycatch mitigation to observer coverage — already flow throughout a participating company’s supply chain,” continued Jackson. “But this new measure accelrates these sustainability best practices among a greater portion of the tuna industry. More companies will be subject to the independent audit and reporting process that ISSF participation requires — a transparency and accountability win for the industry, the market, and the long-term health of the world’s tuna fisheries.”

ISSF's latest conservation measure aims to make the global #tuna supply chain even more #sustainable. Share on X

Closing the Data Gaps — and More — in a Complex Supply Chain
The new conservation measure applies to seafood suppliers that either (1) trade 10,000 or more tons of tuna annually (effective January 1, 2019) or (2) process more than 12,500 round tons annually (effective January 1, 2020). These medium- and large-sized organizations are critical components of the complex, international seafood supply chain.

Conservation Measure 2.4 was originally recommended to the ISSF Board by ISSF’s Environmental Stakeholder and Scientific Advisory Committees to reduce existing gaps in the receipt of data by tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) scientific bodies — gaps that a fragmented and global supply chain can perpetuate. Specifically, the committee intended that a greater number of tuna companies be beholden to ISSF Conservation Measure 2.2, which requires participating companies to submit species and catch data to RFMOs quarterly because “the scientific findings of the RFMO scientific bodies depend on the completeness and accuracy of the supporting data available to them.”

In effect, Conservation Measure 2.4 will expand industry commitment to best practices beyond RFMO data submission, as ISSF’s suite of more than 20 conservation measures encompasses RFMO support; transparency and data collection; bycatch mitigation; monitoring, control and surveillance; illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing; capacity management; and more.

Conservation Measure 2.4 states that ISSF Participating Companies shall:

  1. Beginning January 1, 2019, for purchases from fish trading organizations that trade 10,000 tons or more of tuna annually (not directly from fishing vessels), purchase all round; gilled and gutted; or headed, gilled and gutted albacore, skipjack, yellowfin and/or bigeye tuna from ISSF Participating Companies.
  2. Effective January 1, 2020, if purchasing from processing organizations that purchase and process more than 12,500 round tons per year, purchase all frozen loins or processed, shelf-stable, canned or pouched products of albacore, skipjack, yellowfin and/or bigeye tuna from ISSF Participating Companies.


About ISSF Conservation Measures & Compliance
ISSF is a global partnership among scientists, the tuna industry and the environmental non-governmental community whose mission is to undertake science-based initiatives for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of tuna stocks, reducing bycatch and promoting ecosystem health.

Since its inception in 2009, ISSF has adopted conservation measures and commitments to facilitate this mission with the intent that processors, traders, marketers and others involved in the seafood industry will follow them to facilitate real and continuous improvement across global tuna stocks. ISSF Participating Companies commit to conform to these conservation measures to improve the long-term health of tuna fisheries. They also must adhere to the ISSA Compliance Policy.

ISSF-participating tuna companies, which represent about 75% of the global canned-tuna market and include well-known brand names, are audited yearly by MRAG Americas on their operational transparency and compliance with ISSF conservation measures.

Becoming an ISSF Participating Company
Tuna companies interested in participating in ISSF sustainability programs can apply for International Seafood Sustainability Association membership. Tuna vessels that want to be identified with transparency and sustainable fishing practices can apply to be listed on ISSF’s ProActive Vessel Register.

Forums to Build Support for Indonesia’s Tuna Fisheries

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation will hold Tuna Processor Forums in Bitung, Indonesia (23 October) and Jakarta, Indonesia (24 October) with support from the Walton Family Foundation. The goals of the events are to build management support for Indonesia’s tuna fisheries and equip local companies with the knowledge and opportunities to engage in tuna sustainability efforts through market influence.

“With its location between the Pacific and Indian oceans, Indonesia plays an important role in the global seafood marketplace,” said Holly Koehler, Vice President of Policy and Outreach, ISSF. “Collaborating with the Government of Indonesia, local fleets and the processing industry, in partnership with other NGOs, is essential to addressing tuna sustainability challenges that will, in turn, directly impact the work of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) like the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).”

ISSF is teaming up with @WaltonFamilyFdn to support sustainable #tuna #fishing in #Indonesia. Share on X

“Indonesia’s tuna fishery is one of the country’s most economically important fisheries, and its fishers land more tuna than any other fishing nation in the world,” said Heather D’Agnes, Environment Program Officer, Walton Family Foundation. “Working with seafood companies is an important step in building a sustainable future for fishermen and fish alike.”

ISSF works with a variety of partners in the region, including the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, to strengthen the management of fisheries by collecting and compiling vessel data, helping vessels meet RFMO rules and improving traceability through the supply chain. ISSF and the Walton Family Foundation hope the forums will build on the significant progress the Ministry is making.

The aims of the Indonesia forums are multi-pronged, and both days include the following agenda:

  • Overview and update on Indonesia’s tuna fishing program including the rollout of the national tuna management plan from the Indonesian Government
  • Introduction to opportunities to engage with IOTC and WCPFC, as well as updates on regional tuna management activities
  • Overview of ISSF’s activities in support of sustainable tuna fisheries
  • Information on tuna sourcing commitments from markets in Europe, North America and Australia and how these commitments intersect with ISSF Conservation Measures, ISSF Participating Companies and the ISSF ProActive Vessel Register  (PVR)
  • Information on the options and benefits of tuna company participation in ISSF

ISSF has been involved with ongoing projects in the region since 2015, including:

  • The implementation of pilots that trial the PVR for small-scale vessels, particularly on handline and pole and line boats, as well as small longliners and very small purse seiners
  • The development of a Pole and Line Skippers Guidebook to add to the suite of existing ISSF Purse Seine and Longline Skippers’ Guides
  • Engagement on critical tuna fisheries issues pertaining to the two relevant RFMOs — IOTC and WCPFC


About the Walton Family Foundation
The Walton Family Foundation believes that conservation solutions that make economic sense stand the test of time. They work to achieve lasting change by creating new and unexpected partnerships among conservation, business and community interests to build durable solutions to important problems. Through its environment initiatives, the foundation is investing in two of the most important conservation issues of our time: restoring the health of the oceans through sustainable fisheries and preserving functioning rivers and the quality and availability of fresh water they provide. This work spans four initiatives: Oceans, Colorado River, Mississippi River and Coastal Gulf of Mexico. Learn more at: and follow @WaltonFamilyFdn.