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Author: svanouse

International Seafood Sustainability Foundation Brings on Marine Research Expert as Senior Scientist

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) is pleased to announce the addition of Hilario Murua, Ph.D., to its science staff in the position of Senior Scientist. Dr. Murua will work with an international team of scientists facilitating the long-term sustainable use of global tuna fisheries, including work on tuna conservation, stock status, bycatch mitigation and capacity management.

ISSF is honored to welcome #fisheries expert Dr. Hilario Murua to its international #science team. Click To Tweet

“Hilario’s experience at a leading marine research organization, his management history at the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), and his impressive record of scientific publications make him an invaluable addition to the ISSF team,” said Vice President of Science at ISSF Dr. Victor Restrepo. “We’re thrilled to bring such an esteemed scientist on board, and I look forward to working with Hilario.”

Dr. Hilario Murua previously served as Principal Investigator in the Marine Research Division at AZTI. He has more than 20 years’ experience working on fish population dynamics, assessment and management. Dr. Murua also has deep experience with Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs), having chaired the IOTC Scientific Committee and served as Rapporteur for the Bigeye Species Group at ICCAT in 2015–2018.

He served as chairman of the Standing Committee on Fisheries Science (STACFIS) of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) and as a member of the NAFO Scientific Council from 1999–2006. He also was a member of the ICES Arctic Fisheries Working Group from 1999–2006, and a member of the European Commission’s Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) in 2010–2019.

Dr. Murua regularly supervises master’s-degree and Ph.D. students and has published more than 75 peer-reviewed papers, co-edited three special fishery journal volumes, and contributed over 150 working documents in various RFMOs. Dr. Murua has an undergraduate degree in Marine Biology from Universidad de La Laguna and a doctorate in Biological Science from Universidad del Pais Vasco, both in Spain.


Tuna Experts Mark 10 Years of Collaboration, Come Together for Workshop on Mitigation of Environmental Impacts of Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) and the Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Project co-sponsored the Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries workshop, held at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) Headquarters in Rome, on 12-13 March 2019. The workshop reviewed the progress cross-sector research and advocacy efforts have made in reducing bycatch and other environmental impacts and also identified main focus areas for future activities.

Workshop sessions focused on: (1) bycatch of the tuna purse seine fishery; (2) sharks and rays; (3) small bigeye and yellowfin tuna; (4) fish aggregating device (FAD) structure impacts; (5) FAD management; and (6) looking ahead: the next 10 years. Each session comprised an expert presentation followed by a discussion panel including representatives from across the multi-sector workshop participants. The newly released report detailing the six sessions is now available for download. The report also offers data-rich presentations for each session.

Download the presentations and report from our workshop with #CommonOceans on mitigating #bycatch in tropical #tuna #purse #seine #fisheries. Click To Tweet

“By bringing together leading scientists, NGO representatives and members of the commercial fishing industry, the International Workshop in Rome and its report provide a full picture of where we stand after ten years of work on mitigating environmental impacts of tuna fishing,” said ISSF VP of Science Victor Restrepo. “Synthesizing different viewpoints and areas of expertise on these issues will continue to serve us well in targeting specific areas of focus for future research and advocacy efforts.”

For the last ten years, ISSF has been conducting research and advocacy activities on mitigating environmental impacts of purse seine fisheries, with emphasis on bycatch and FADs. These include at-sea research, interactive workshops with vessel skippers, and advocacy for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs). The presentations and discussions outlined in the report are based primarily on those years of research.

“The Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Project has been working with ISSF for the last five years on the work they embarked on a decade ago,” said Global Project Coordinator from FAO Alejandro Anganuzzi. “Our recent workshop brought together a diverse set of stakeholders, and brought forth engaging discussions with meaningful outcomes that will help guide our future collaboration with ISSF.”

Conclusions reached in each session presentation as noted in the report include:

SESSION 1 – Bycatch of the tuna purse seine fishery

Overall rates of bycatch in tropical tuna purse seine fisheries are very small.

SESSION 2 – Sharks and rays

Shark bycatch is very low, less than 0.5% by weight. Still, some shark species are vulnerable or at-risk, and the purse seine fishery should strive to mitigate this bycatch.

SESSION 3 – Small bigeye and yellowfin tunas

Catching juvenile bigeye and yellowfin does not necessarily cause overfishing. Overfishing can occur by catching too many small fish, too many large fish, or too many of both.

SESSION 4 – FAD structure impacts

Currently, except for the satellite buoy, biodegradable FADs should be made of only natural fibers/materials that are sustainably harvested until other materials such as synthetic bio-materials become available and are proven to be non-toxic for the marine environment.

SESSION 5 – FAD management

The purse seine fishery needs to be managed holistically. Too much focus on FAD sets detracts from other important issues.

SESSION 6 – Looking ahead: The next 10 years

There is a need for more fundamental and applied research.

The Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Project, funded by the Global Environmental Facility and implemented by FAO, harnesses the efforts of a large and diverse array of partners, including the five tuna RFMOs, governments, inter-governmental organizations, NGOs and the private sector, to achieve responsible, efficient and sustainable tuna production and biodiversity conservation in the areas beyond national jurisdiction.

ISSF is a global coalition of scientists, the tuna industry and World Wildlife Fund, promoting science-based initiatives for the long-term conservation and sustainable use of tuna stocks, reducing bycatch and promoting ecosystem health. Helping global tuna fisheries meet sustainability criteria to achieve the Marine Stewardship Council certification standard — without conditions — is ISSF’s ultimate objective. In 2019, ISSF celebrated a “Decade of Discovery” as the organization completed its tenth year of scientific research, advocacy and industry engagement. To learn more, visit, and follow ISSF on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

For further information, please contact:

Mr. Alejandro Anganuzzi, Global Coordinator, Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Project, FAO | [email protected]

Ms. Mary Sestric, Vice President, Communications, ISSF | [email protected]

ISSF Participating Tuna Company Compliance Report Shows 98.5 Percent Conformance with Foundation Conservation Measures

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has released its ISSF Annual Conservation Measures & Commitments Compliance Report, which shows a 98.5 percent conformance rate by 25 ISSF participating companies with all 27 ISSF conservation measures in effect in 2018, the audit period. Many of the world’s largest tuna processing companies participate in ISSF.

As part of its commitment to transparency and accountability, ISSF engages third-party auditor MRAG Americas to continuously assess ISSF participating companies’ compliance with ISSF’s conservation measures according to a rigorous audit protocol.

“It is encouraging to see the independent audit process continue to show high conformance among our Participating Companies,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “As we celebrate our organization’s 10th anniversary, these are the metrics that make a difference. Particularly in the last three years, our industry participants have collectively scored high marks on a consistent basis, meaning they’re taking seriously the science-based measures we’ve developed.”

ISSF participating #companies achieved 98.5% conformance in 2018 with our #conservation measures: Read our new #compliance report. Click To Tweet

The April 2019 annual compliance report is based on participating company activity for 2018. ISSF publishes this annual compliance report with initial audit results in the second quarter each year; in November, ISSF publishes an updated report to show any remediation of non-conformances previously reported.

The April 2019 report shows that:

  • 17 companies were in conformance with all 27 measures in effect during the 2018 reporting period.
  • 8 companies had at least one minor non-conformance, for a total of 9 instances of minor non-conformance. These typically involved instances where companies achieved some, but not full, compliance with a given conservation measure.
  • 1 company had one major non-conformance. As defined by MRAG Americas, a “major non-conformance” means a company does not comply with a particular conservation measure or commitment, and this compromises the integrity of ISSF initiatives.

ISSF conservation measures where companies achieved 100 percent conformance include: 2.1 Product Traceability; 3.1(b) Prohibition of Transactions with Shark Finning Policies; 3.4 Skipper Best Practices; 3.5 Transactions with Vessels that Use Non-entangling FADs; and 5.2 IUU Product Response.  Areas for improvement include data submission to RFMOs, observer coverage on tuna vessels, and IMO Unique Vessel Identifiers.

The rate of full conformance had been mostly steady in each annual reporting period, as shown across the below compliance report publication dates. The April 2019 report audited companies against five new Conservation Measures that were not in effect during previous reporting periods.

  • June 2015: 79.8 percent
  • June 2016: 87.2 percent
  • November 2016: 95.6 percent
  • May 2017: 97.5 percent
  • November 2017: 100 percent
  • June 2018: 97 percent
  • November 2018: 99 percent
  • April 2019: 98.5 percent

The five new measures for which ISSF Participating companies were first evaluated during the 2018 audit period are as follows:

Measure 2.3 Product Labeling by Species and Ocean of Capture: On all product labeling, or through a publicly available web-based system by product, for all branded tuna products:

  1. Identify the species of tuna contained in the product.
  2. Identify the ocean of capture for the tuna contained in the product.

Measure 3.6 Transactions with Vessels Implementing Best practices for Sharks and Sea Turtles: Transactions only with those longline vessels whose owners have a policy requiring the implementation of best practices for sharks and marine turtles.

Measure 4.4 (C) Transshipment at Sea – Observer Coverage (Large Scale Longline): Transactions with longline vessels that conduct transshipments at sea, whether high seas, EEZ, territorial seas or archipelagic waters, only if 100% of such transshipments are observed.

Measure 7.2 Threshold Requirement for PVR Listing: All large-scale purse seine vessels owned by the same business organization shall be in demonstrated compliance with, or otherwise exempted from, Section 6 —Capacity.

Measure 7.4 Supply and Tender Vessels: For controlled supply or tender vessels that operate with purse seine vessels:
(a) register all vessels on the PVR and maintain registration indefinitely;
(b) ensure all are listed on the authorized vessel record of any RFMO governing the ocean area in which the tuna was caught;
(c) ensure all have an IMO unique vessel identifier; and
(d) ensure all are not listed on the IUU Vessel List of any RFMO.

In addition to the annual compliance reports, MRAG Americas issues individual ISSF participating company reports, published on the ISSF site, detailing each company’s level of compliance with conservation measures. Under the compliance policy, companies may be required to remediate non-conformances found during the annual audit, and MRAG will immediately issue reports for those companies that do so.

More on ISSF Conservation Measures & Compliance

For long-term tuna sustainability, a number of tuna companies worldwide are choosing to participate with ISSF, follow responsible fishing practices, and implement science-based conservation measures. From bycatch mitigation to product traceability, ISSF participating companies have committed to conforming to a set of conservation measures and other commitments designed to drive positive change — and to do so transparently through third-party audits.

ISSF Conservation Measures

ISSA Compliance Policy

ISSF Welcomes Fisheries, Policy and Conservation Experts to Board of Directors

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) announced today three Board of Directors appointments: fisheries scientist Dr. Rohan Currey of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC); “Law of the Sea” scholar and fisheries law policy expert Dr. Martin Tsamenyi of the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS) at the University of Wollongong, Australia; and Dr. Giuseppe Di Carlo, a conservation scientist from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). 

We're honored to welcome Drs. Rohan Currey @MSCecolabel, Martin Tsamenyi @UOW & Giuseppe Di Carlo @WWFMed to the ISSF Board of Directors. Click To Tweet

Dr. Rohan Currey is responsible for ensuring that the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fisheries Standard is based on robust scientific evidence and best practices in ecosystem-based fisheries management — and also implemented effectively in MSC fisheries assessments. Before joining, Dr. Currey was a Principal Scientist at New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries, specializing in marine mammal science and Antarctic fisheries science. He represented New Zealand in the International Whaling Commission and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). In CCAMLR, he was the New Zealand Government’s principal science advisor for the Ross Sea region Marine Protected Area and the Ross Sea toothfish fishery. Dr. Currey earned a Ph.D. in marine mammal science from the University of Otago, with a research background in cetacean population biology, ecology, mark-recapture analysis, population viability analysis and risk assessment. He is a member the IUCN Species Survival Commission Cetacean Specialist Group; invited participant at the International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee, where he convenes the sessions on bycatch; and member of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

“ISSF’s mission is to help global tuna fisheries become capable of achieving the MSC certification standard,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “To have representation and input from such a high caliber leader at the MSC is critical, and Dr. Currey’s participation will enhance ISSF’s mission and provide valuable insight as we continue to implement our 2018-2022 Strategic Plan.” 

Dr. Martin Tsamenyi is Professor of Law and was the former Director of the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS) at the University of Wollongong, Australia. Dr. Tsamenyi is a world-recognized expert in the Law of the Sea, oceans policy, marine environmental law, and fisheries law and policy.  Dr. Tsamenyi has served as fisheries law advisor to the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) and legal counsel to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) and was Chairman of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). He has also been a consultant to several inter-governmental organizations and governments around the world. In 2012, he was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) “for service to maritime and fisheries law in the Asia Pacific region, through the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security, and to legal education.” Dr. Tsamenyi has provided advice and drafted legislation for a number of countries to combat IUU fishing and take corrective measures in the context of the European Commission’s IUU yellow card identifications, including Fiji, Vanuatu, Ghana, Papua New Guinea and Thailand. Dr. Tsamenyi holds a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Ghana and Master of International Law and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the Australian National University. 

“Adopting sound, science-based policy is the best way for sustainability improvements to be made on the water,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “Professor Tsamenyi is uniquely able to help ISSF identify both policy gaps and solutions that our organization can address. His experience in policy and law related to highly migratory species, and on-the-ground IUU efforts make him a valuable addition to the Board.” 

Dr. Giuseppe Di Carlo is Director of the WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative, which brings together 8 WWF Offices towards a joint conservation effort. He is responsible for supporting Mediterranean countries to achieve key conservation and management targets, specifically on fisheries and MPAs. Since 2008, Dr. Di Carlo has been involved in developing and implementing ecosystem-based based management into conservation strategies. While working at Conservation International from 2008 to 2011, he provided support to several country programs around the world, from East Africa to South East Asia, Madagascar and the Mediterranean. After completing his Ph.D. in marine science, he worked as a research scientist at NOAA in the US focusing on coastal marine ecosystems and their adaptive response to disturbance, with special attention to global issues such as climate change, on which he has published extensively. Dr. Di Carlo was President of the World Seagrass Association between 2010 and 2014. From 2012 to 2018, Giuseppe was a Member of the Board of Directors of MedPAN, the Mediterranean Network of MPA managers. He is part of WWF’s Ocean Leadership Group, which sets the organization agenda and goals on ocean protection. He represents WWF in the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

“Being that we’re already so familiar with his years of work for our founding partners at WWF, we’re extremely excited to bring Giuseppe onto the ISSF Board of Directors,” said Vice President of Science at ISSF Dr. Victor Restrepo. “Giuseppe has truly impressive science and research bona fides, and he is aligned with ISSF’s science-first principles.” 

Alfred Schumm, the former Director of the WWF Global Fisheries Programme and now Director of Innovation, Sciences, Technologies and Solutions at WWF, will be stepping down from the ISSF Board after serving ISSF for over eight years. 

“Alfred’s departure from the board is bittersweet. We’re thrilled that he has an opportunity to pursue new avenues at WWF, but his insight and expertise with regards to biology and conservation will be greatly missed here on the ISSF board,” said ISSF Board Chair Luciano Pirovano. “Alfred has played a critical role in ISSF’s growth and triumphs over the better part of a decade and we wish him continued success in his new role at WWF.” 

About the Board

The ISSF Board of Directors is a diverse group of leaders from non-governmental organizations, marine science, government agencies, and the seafood industry, representing several countries. In addition to fiduciary and governance responsibilities, ISSF Board members advance the  mission of the Foundation, including through the adoption of ISSF conservation measures, to which ISSF participating companies commit to conform. Other ISSF Board members are: 

  • Luciano Pirovano, ISSF Board Chair and Bolton Food Sustainable Development Director
  • William Fox, ISSF Board Vice Chair and Vice President, Fisheries, WWF-US
  • Transform Aqorau, Pacific Fisheries Expert and former CEO, Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)
  • John Connelly, President, National Fisheries Institute
  • Javier Garat, Secretary General, Cepesca
  • Susan Jackson, President, ISSF
  • Ichiro Nomura, Fisheries Policy Advisor, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia
  • Victor Restrepo, Vice President, Science, ISSF

86% of Global Tuna Catch Continues to Come from Stocks at Healthy Levels, But Some Stocks Remain Overfished

Of the total tuna catch, 86% came from stocks at “healthy” levels — an unchanged share since last reported in October 2018 — according to the March 2019 International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) Status of the Stocks report. Skipjack tuna stocks — which remain at healthy levels in all ocean regions — still comprise over one-half of the total catch.

ISSF publishes its signature Status of the Stocks report at least twice each year using the most current scientific data on major commercial tuna stocks.

In 2017, 58% of the #tuna catch was #skipjack, 28% was #yellowfin, 8% #bigeye, 5% #albacore, and 1% #bluefin. #StatusoftheStocks Click To Tweet

The fishing mortality rating was changed for two stocks since the previous report: The Fishing Mortality rating for both Mediterranean albacore and Western Pacific yellowfin was modified from “yellow” to “green.” The ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) determined that this change was needed to harmonize those ratings and the report’s ratings methodology.

Though many of the recent broad indicators of overall global tuna stock health are positive, there are several stocks of concern that should be noted:

  • The Indian Ocean yellowfin stock has again been rated both as overfished and as suffering overfishing after a new stock assessment presented by the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Scientific Committee in late 2018.
  • Similarly, the Pacific Ocean bluefin stock is also considered to be overfished, and overfishing of this stock continues.
  • Eastern Pacific bigeye is experiencing overfishing. Fishing mortality for this species is high.
  • Two consecutive assessments have concluded that Atlantic Ocean bigeye is overfished and that overfishing is still occurring.

Key Statistics in the Report

  • Total catch: In 2017, as reported in the new report, the total major commercial tuna catch was 4.8 million tonnes. More than half of the total catch (58%) was skipjack tuna, followed by yellowfin (28%), bigeye (8%) and albacore (5%). Bluefin tunas (3 species) accounted for only 1% of the global catch. These percentages changed only slightly from the October 2018 Status of the Stocks report.
  • Abundance or “spawning biomass” levels: Globally, 65% of the 23 stocks are at a healthy level of abundance, 13% are overfished and 22% are at an intermediate level. In terms of total catch, 86% come from healthy stocks, 10% from overfished stocks and 4% from stocks at an intermediate level. Unchanged from the last report, the stocks receiving orange scores — indicating overfished status — were Atlantic Ocean bigeye, Pacific Ocean bluefin and Indian Ocean yellowfin.
  • Fishing mortality levels: 78% of the 23 stocks are experiencing a well-managed fishing mortality rate, 18% are experiencing overfishing, and 4% have a high fishing mortality rate.
  • Largest tuna catches by stock: The five largest catches in tonnes, unchanged since the previous report, are Western Pacific Ocean skipjack, Western Pacific Ocean yellowfin, Indian Ocean skipjack, Indian Ocean yellowfin and Eastern Pacific Ocean skipjack.
  • Tuna production by ocean region: More than half (52%) of the world’s tuna is harvested from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, followed by the Indian Ocean (20%), Eastern Pacific Ocean (13%) and Atlantic Ocean (11%). Catch from Pacific-wide stocks accounts for around 3% of the global catch, while catch in the Southern Hemisphere accounts for less than 1%.
  • Tuna production by fishing gear: 65% of the catch is made by purse seining, followed by longline (11%), pole-and-line (8%), gillnets (4%) and miscellaneous gears (12%). These percentages have changed only slightly since the October report.

About the Report

There are 23 stocks of major commercial tuna species worldwide — 6 albacore, 4 bigeye, 4 bluefin, 5 skipjack, and 4 yellowfin stocks. The Status of the Stocks summarizes the results of the most recent scientific assessments of these stocks, as well as the current management measures adopted by the RFMOs. Updated several times per year, Status of the Stocks assigns color ratings (green, yellow or orange) using a consistent methodology based on three factors: Abundance, Exploitation/Management (fishing mortality) and Environmental Impact (bycatch).

ISSF produces two reports annually that seek to provide clarity about where we stand — and how much more needs to be done — to ensure the long-term sustainability of tuna stocks: the Status of the Stocks provides a comprehensive analysis of tuna stocks by species, and the Evaluation of the Sustainability of Global Tuna Stocks Relative to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Criteria provides scores for the stocks and RFMOs based on MSC assessment criteria. The MSC-certified fisheries list (Appendix 2) in Status of the Stocks complements the Evaluation report. Together, these tools help to define the continuous improvement achieved, as well as the areas and issues that require more attention.

In addition, ISSF maintains a data-visualization tool based on its Status of the Stocks report. The “Status of the Stocks Tool” is located on the ISSF website and accessible through the Status of the Stocks overview page; users can easily toggle through tuna stock health indicators and filter by location, species and other key stock health and catch factors.