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Author: svanouse

ISSF REPORT: 85% of Global Tuna Catch Comes from Stocks at Healthy Levels; 11% Requires Stronger Management

Of the total commercial tuna catch worldwide, 85% is sourced from stocks at “healthy” levels of abundance, according to the newest International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) Status of the Stocks report. In addition, 11% of the total tuna catch came from overfished stocks, and 4% came from stocks at an intermediate level of abundance.

Several tuna stocks are considered overfished and/or subject to overfishing:

  • Mediterranean albacore, Indian ocean bigeye and Indian Ocean yellowfin stocks are overfished and subject to overfishing.
  • Pacific Ocean bluefin is overfished.

The report notes several changes to stock ratings since the last update in November 2022:

  • The Indian Ocean bigeye stock’s biomass rating was downgraded from green to orange since the last report.
  • The Indian Ocean albacore stock’s fishing mortality rate was upgraded from orange to green.
ISSF REPORT: 85% of Global Tuna Catch Comes from Stocks at Healthy Levels; 11% Requires Stronger Management Share on X

In terms of management, key updates since November 2022 are the inclusion of:

  • A new Management Procedure adopted by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) for Western Pacific Ocean skipjack tuna
  • A partial harvest strategy adopted by the WCPFC for North Pacific albacore, in line with the one adopted by IATTC in 2022
  • A new Management Procedure adopted by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) for Western and Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

ISSF publishes its signature Status of the Stocks report multiple times each year using the most current scientific data on 23 major commercial tuna stocks.

Key Statistics in the New Report

  • Abundance or “spawning biomass” levels: Globally, 61% of the 23 stocks are at healthy levels of abundance (down from 65% in November of 2022), 22% are at an intermediate level, and 17% are overfished.
  • Fishing mortality levels: 78% of the 23 stocks are experiencing a well-managed fishing mortality rate, and 13% are experiencing overfishing.
  • Total catch: The catch of major commercial tuna stocks was 4.8 million tonnes in 2021. 56% was skipjack tuna, followed by yellowfin (31%), bigeye (8%), and albacore (4%). Bluefin tuna accounted for 1% of the global catch.
  • Largest tuna catches by stock: The five largest catches in tonnes, unchanged since the previous report, are Western Pacific Ocean skipjack, Western Pacific Ocean yellowfin, Indian Ocean skipjack, Indian Ocean yellowfin, and Eastern Pacific Ocean skipjack.
  • Tuna production by fishing gear: 66% of the catch is made by purse seining, followed by longline (9%), pole-and-line (7%), gillnets (4%), and miscellaneous gears (14%). These percentages have changed only slightly since the previous report.

The Status of the Stocks report is reviewed by the ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee, which provides advice on its content. The report does not advocate any particular seafood purchase decisions.

Changes to Report Content

Certain legacy elements of the Status of the Stocks report have been moved online from the PDF to ensure the report is user friendly while improving the accessibility of information on the ISSF website. Content relocated in this version includes:

Other changes throughout the Status of the Stocks report include a revised “Additional Resources” section and a new catch-by-RFMO-and-rating figure. Additional content updates may continue in future reports.

About the Status of the Stocks Report

There are 23 stocks of major commercial tuna species worldwide — 6 albacore, 4 bigeye, 4 bluefin, 5 skipjack, and 4 yellowfin stocks. The Status of the Stocks summarizes the results of the most recent scientific assessments of these stocks, as well as the current management measures adopted by the RFMOs. Status of the Stocks assigns color ratings (green, yellow or orange) using a consistent methodology based on three factors: Abundance, Exploitation/Management (fishing mortality), and Environmental Impact (bycatch).

ISSF produces several Status of the Stocks reports each year to provide clarity about where we stand — and how much more needs to be done — to ensure the long-term sustainability of tuna stocks. The Status of the Stocks presents a comprehensive analysis of tuna stocks by species, and the Evaluation of the Sustainability of Global Tuna Stocks Relative to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Criteria provides scores for the stocks and RFMOs based on MSC assessment criteria. Together, these tools help to define the continuous improvement achieved, as well as the areas and issues that require more attention.

In addition, ISSF maintains a data-visualization tool based on its Status of the Stocks report. The “Interactive Stock Status Tool” is located on the ISSF website and accessible through the Status of the Stocks overview page. Users can easily toggle through tuna abundance and exploitation health indicators by catch or stock, filter by location and species, and see the share of total catch by species/stocks and gear types.

ISSF 2023-2027 Strategic Plan: Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) released its Strategic Plan for 2023-2027, Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability, which lays out the research and advocacy organization’s mission and approach to achieving its tuna fisheries sustainability objective across the next five years. 

Cover of ISSF Strategic Plan

“Through a robust, multi-stakeholder exploration process, we developed Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability as an evolution of our prior strategic plan,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson. “ISSF’s science-based and collaborative work has driven progressive outcomes in the last five years — from our Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI) list enabling more transparent vessel operations to the design of jelly-FADs that lessen the environmental impact of fish aggregating devices.


Learn about ISSF's new five-year goal for sustainable fishing in our just-published 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. Share on X

“Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability allows us to build on such accomplishments, while responding to the current sustainability landscape,” Jackson continued. “Articulating our theory of change and a five-year goal, which emphasize a commitment to continuous improvement, helps us recognize the dynamic nature of the world’s tuna fisheries and the stakeholders who rely on them.”

In the new plan, ISSF’s work continues to be grounded in the core pillars of Science, Verification, and Influence, all of which come together to drive more sustainable fisheries management. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Fisheries Standard also remains central to ISSF’s objective. Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability includes new and evolved elements, as highlighted below, in support of the ISSF mission.

The ISSF Objective & the MSC Fisheries Standard

ISSF’s objective is to continuously improve the sustainability of global tuna fisheries and the ecosystems that support them to result in those fisheries meeting and maintaining the MSC certification standard. As Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability explains, ISSF achieves this through the development and implementation of verifiable, science-based practices; measurable commitments; and conservation management measures by participating companies and through advocacy to tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs).

“Like our previous Strategic Plan, the objective of Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability includes the MSC Fisheries Standard. But consistent with the theme of continuous improvement, our new plan now pledges ISSF efforts to help fisheries not only meet but also maintain that standard,” said Jackson.

“The recent release of the new MSC Fisheries Standard 3.0 to meet changing expectations and reflect the latest in sustainability science reminds us that the bar is always rising — so too must our level of responsibility and commitment.”

Sustainable Management Requires Continuous Improvement

The 2023-2027 ISSF Strategic Plan outlines the organization’s Theory of Change for the first time. ISSF is a science-driven organization focused on the continuous improvement of global tuna fishery sustainability and seeks to achieve this by:

  • Advancing tuna fisheries science
  • Implementing direct industry improvements
  • Providing scientific guidance and tools
  • Working with, and advocating to, RFMOs
  • Partnering with supportive organizations and experts

The Theory further states:

  • ISSF advocacy to RFMOs is grounded in what the best current science requires.
  • Simultaneously, ISSF continuously works to improve the science.
  • The intended result of our efforts is the adoption and implementation of science-based management measures by industry and RFMOs.
  • We recognize that comprehensive and sustainable management requires continuous improvement.

ISSF Five-Year Goal

The plan also newly establishes a five-year goal for the organization: By the end of 2027, all tuna fisheries from which ISSF participating companies source can meet and maintain the MSC certification standard, or there is a clear roadmap and timeline in place to meet this standard that is underpinned by the best-available science.

Evolving Other Strategic Elements

Additional updates to plan elements build on the organization’s work to date in key areas. ISSF will continue to support and enable tuna fishery improvement projects (FIPs), for example, in seeking to “expedite the achievement of MSC certification standards across global tuna fisheries.”

And the organization’s strategic pillars have new or refined functional targets that align to the latest developments in tuna sustainability:

  • Under Science, a focus on Ecosystem Impacts to advance science-based approaches that address fishing’s broader ecosystem effects
  • Under Verification, an increased emphasis on the VOSI to track public sustainable fishing commitments made by vessels beyond measures on the ProActive Vessel Register (PVR)
  • Under Influence, a directive to help markets transparently verify implementation of policy and purchasing decisions for enhanced credibility

Introducing the Advisory Committee on Working Conditions for Fishing Vessels

Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability also continues ISSF’s charge to monitor third-party efforts to (1) develop and implement labor and social standards for tuna fishing activities on a global scale and (2) explore appropriate ways for ISSF and/or participating companies to support and implement these standards.

ISSF is announcing a new Advisory Committee on Working Conditions for Fishing Vessels that will guide the development of an ISSF approach to this effort. The Committee comprises experts in tuna fisheries operations and international labor and social issues, including Mike Kraft, Executive Director, FISH Standard for Crew; Tracy Murai, Assistant Global Director Marine & Fisheries, Thai Union; Yemi  Oloruntuyi, Ph.D., Head, Social Policy, Marine Stewardship Council; and Jessica Sparks, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Division of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University

Download Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability.

ISSF on IOTC Special Session

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) recently concluded a Special Session to adopt a conservation and management measure on fish aggregating devices (FADs) in Indian Ocean tuna fisheries. The Special Session was called last year due to inaction on this topic.  

In a position statement issued before the IOTC session, the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) urged enhanced, science-based FAD management provisions. ISSF acknowledges the Commission’s progress in adopting some of the improvements called for in our position, including FAD marking guidelines, a timeline for transition to biodegradable FADs, and access to FAD position data for the IOTC Scientific Committee for science needs. 

But ISSF is concerned by the lack of a shared effort by all IOTC delegations in working together toward the realization of scientific advice. The general breakdown of communication and negotiation that was evident at the IOTC Special Session sets an unwelcome precedent for future meetings and, ultimately, the sustainable use of Indian Ocean tuna fisheries. 

“IOTC parties are beholden to the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement, the core provisions of which require cooperation and consultation amongst all coastal States and States fishing on the high seas,” noted ISSF President Susan Jackson. “Both practices are critically important in managing highly migratory fish stocks like tuna, and both practices seemed to have been unfortunately lacking at this meeting. 

“We therefore remain cautious in our assessment of the effectiveness of the new FAD measure, especially in helping rebuild the yellowfin tuna stock. And we urge all parties to recommit to working together for the long-term sustainable management of Indian Ocean resources.” 







ISSF Urges Indian Ocean Fisheries Managers to Strengthen Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) Management Measure at February 2023 Special Session

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has published a position statement ahead of the February 3-5 Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) Special Session, the objective of which is to adopt an IOTC conservation and management measure on fish aggregating devices (FADs). The Special Session was called last year due to inaction on this topic.  

In its position statement, ISSF calls for a concerted effort in the Indian Ocean to better monitor FAD usage and to support the adoption of science-based, FAD-related management measures. Shark and non-target species bycatch and other ecosystem impacts — such as marine debris and FAD beaching — must also be reduced. Using non-entangling and biodegradable FAD designs is a critical step to achieving that.

We've outlined the FAD management issues that the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) must address at its Special Session on February 3-5.   Share on X

Consistent with appeals ISSF and our stakeholders issued throughout 2022, the ISSF statement specifies enhanced FAD management provisions, including:

  • Developing and implementing science-based limits on FAD deployments and/or FAD sets, consistent with management objectives for tropical tunas.
  • Allowing the IOTC Scientific Committee to use submitted FAD tracking data for scientific purposes — data that are currently used only for FAD limit compliance purposes.
  • Requiring the use of biodegradable materials in the construction of FADs to minimize the use of synthetic/plastic materials in FAD construction. Establish a timeline for transitioning to 100% biodegradable.
  • Developing and adopting FAD marking guidelines, including requiring the marking of the buoy and the FAD structure.
  • Developing and adopting FAD tracking and recovery policies that consider utilizing supply vessels in FAD recovery efforts.
  • Adopting clearer rules for FAD ownership and activation, as well as for deactivation of FAD buoys.

Read the full IOTC Special Session Position Statement on the ISSF website.  

Seafood Industry Leader Tony Lazazzara of Thai Union to Chair Board of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF)

The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) today announced Tony Lazazzara of Thai Union Group as Chair of its Board of Directors. Mr. Lazazzara is Director of Group Fish Procurement for Thai Union Group. He succeeds Kevin Bixler, formerly of Thai Union, in the role, upon Mr. Bixler’s move to Peter Pan Seafood.

“I am thankful for Kevin Bixler’s guidance over the last year as ISSF Board Chair, and I wish Kevin all the best in his new position as CEO at Peter Pan,” said Susan Jackson, President, ISSF.

“I am excited to welcome Tony Lazazzara as our new Chair. Tony’s deep industry knowledge and can-do attitude are an ideal match for ISSF’s practical approach to improving the sustainability of global tuna fisheries,” she continued. “We are fortunate to have a tenured and well-respected industry leader at our helm. I look forward to working with him.”

“I am honored to follow in the footsteps of my colleague Mr. Bixler,” said Mr. Lazazzara. “I hope to make this transition as smooth as possible, while ensuring continued progress and expanding new efforts towards sustainability for tuna fisheries and the marine ecosystem. I am excited to continue working with leaders in the seafood sustainability space, and I am eager to see what we can achieve together.”

ISSF welcomes Tony Lazazzara, Thai Union Group, as our new Board chair and Dr. Andre Boustany, Monterey Bay Aquarium, to the Environmental Stakeholder Committee. @thaiuniongroup @MontereyAq Share on X

On the ISSF Board, Mr. Lazazzara joins a diverse and global group of leaders from non-governmental organizations, marine science, government agencies, and the seafood industry. In addition to fiduciary and governance responsibilities, ISSF Board members advance the mission of the Foundation, including through the adoption of ISSF conservation measures, to which ISSF participating companies commit to conform.

“In addition to welcoming our new Chair, I’d also like to recognize the contributions of longtime ISSF Board member John Connelly upon his passing,” added Ms. Jackson. “As president of the National Fisheries Institute, John was an early and enthusiastic supporter of our organization. We miss John and his leadership, and we send our deepest sympathies to his family, friends, and colleagues.”

Other ISSF Board members are:

  • Dr. Transform Aqorau, Pacific Fisheries Expert and former CEO, Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA)
  • Dr. Rohan Currey, Chief Science and Standards Officer, Marine Stewardship Council
  • Dr. Giuseppe Di Carlo, Lead Conservationist, WWF-International
  • William Gibbons-Fly, Executive Director, American Tunaboat Association (ATA) 
  • Javier Garat, Secretary General, Cepesca
  • Bill Holden, Chair, ISSF Environmental Stakeholder Committee, Senior Tuna Fisheries Outreach Manager, Marine Stewardship Council
  • Susan Jackson, President, ISSF
  • Ichiro Nomura, Fisheries Policy Advisor, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia
  • Dr. Victor Restrepo, Vice President, Science, ISSF
  • Dr. Martin Tsamenyi, Professor of Law & Former Director of the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources & Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong, Australia

New ISSF Environmental Stakeholder Committee (ESC) Member 

ISSF also announced a new addition to its Environmental Stakeholder Committee (ESC). Andre Boustany, Principal Investigator of Global Ocean Conservation at Monterey Bay Aquarium, joins the Committee, replacing Jennifer Dianto-Kemmerly, Vice President, Global Ocean Initiatives, Monterey Bay Aquarium.

“We are thankful for Ms. Dianto-Kemmerly’s expertise and know that we are in good hands as Dr. Boustany joins the Environmental Stakeholders Committee,” said ISSF President Susan Jackson.“We welcome the continued contributions of the Monterey Bay Aquarium as an invaluable partner in our work toward sustainable fisheries.”

The ESC comprises expert representatives from various conservation organizations who volunteer to share their expertise. The ESC, much like ISSF’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), provides advice to the ISSF Board of Directors on issues to consider before taking action on specific sustainability efforts, including the adoption of ISSF conservation measures.

Other ESC members are:

  • Sonja Fordham, Founder, Shark Advocates International
  • Ben Gilmer, Associate Director of Corporate Engagement and Strategic Initiatives, The Nature Conservancy
  • Bill Holden, Chair, ISSF Environmental Stakeholder Committee | Senior Tuna Fisheries Outreach Manager, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
  • Sara Lewis, Traceability Division Director, FishWise
  • Dr. Vishwanie Maharaj, Lead, Tunas and Other Multilateral Fisheries, World Wildlife Fund-US
  • Dr. Alexia Morgan, Science Lead, Tuna and Large Pelagic Species, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP)
  • Dr. Tom Pickerell, Executive Director, Global Tuna Alliance

About Tony Lazazzara

Mr. Lazazzara is Thai Union Group Director, Global Fish Procurement, and has more than 30 years’ experience in the seafood sector. He began his career with Palmera in Italy, followed by the U.S.-based StarKist. In 1997, he joined Heinz European Seafood. Today, he is part of the Thai Union team. Over the years, Mr. Lazazzara has held diverse roles in Supply Chain. His experience includes: General Manager Indian Ocean Tuna (IOT – Seychelles), General Manager European Facilities in Portugal and France and MW Brands Supply Chain Director prior to the company’s acquisition by Thai Union.

About Andre Boustany

Dr. Boustany is the Principal Investigator of Global Ocean Conservation at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Before coming to the Aquarium, Boustany was a research scientist at Duke University, where he studied pelagic fish and fisheries, looking at ways to improve stock assessments, reduce bycatch, and improve fisheries management. He also serves on several advisory committees, advising federal fisheries regulators on domestic and international management of pelagic fisheries. Dr. Boustany is also an active participant in the NGO Tuna Forum. Dr. Boustany earned a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from Stanford University and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Cornell University.