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3 Ways Fisheries Managers Can Pivot on Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
July 23, 2020 | Holly Koehler

Investigating Collaborative Solutions to Protect Threatened Manta Rays
March 9, 2020 | Melissa Cronin

The Year in Tuna Sustainability: Some Celebrations, Some Disappointments
January 3, 2020 | Holly Koehler

Protecting Resources in the World’s Largest Tuna Fishing Grounds
December 5, 2019 | Claire van der Geest, Holly Koehler

ICCAT Moves to Protect Atlantic Bigeye and Close Gaps in Monitoring and Data Collection
December 3, 2019 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Holly Koehler

Protecting Tropical Tunas in Atlantic Ocean Fisheries: Stronger Management, Better Data Are Key
October 29, 2019 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Holly Koehler

Promoting Fisher Gear That Can Better Protect the World’s Largest Tuna Fishing Region
September 24, 2019 | Claire van der Geest, Holly Koehler