PI 2.5.2 Management (M)
Tool | Gear Type | Topic | Use | Resource Type | Featured |
Tool | Gear Type | Topic | Use | Resource Type | Featured |
A multidisciplinary approach to build new designs of biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) This paper describes new bio non-entangling FAD designs ISSF is developing ("Jelly-FAD") (Recommendations on FAD construction & trials on p. 12, photographic guide on p. 15) | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
Addressing FAD Ecological Impacts (Infographic) This infographic explains how tuna fishers use FADs and lists four main ways that FADs affect non-target species (such as sharks and sea turtles) and ocean ecosystems. | Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | Infographics | 0 |
BIODEGRADABLE DFADS: CURRENT STATUS AND PROSPECTS Includes results to-date on tested materials and designs, current state of bio-based plastic and Recommendations | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
BioFADs: New Trials and Large-Scale Deployment (infographic) | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | Infographics | 0 |
Can drifting objects drive the movements of a vulnerable pelagic shark? | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | Bycatch Sharks | Other Papers | 0 | |
Collective Best Practices for Well-Managed FAD Fisheries Guide (PDF) Best practices for Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) fisheries collaboratively developed by the NGO Tuna Forum | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions | Other Papers | 0 |
Electronic Monitoring Vendors and Data Submission Information EMS vendors & providers (pp. 1-2) | Longline, Purse Seine | Bycatch all, EMS, FADs | FIP Actions | Voluntary Data Guidelines | 0 |
FAD Watch: a collaborative initiative to minimize the impact of FADs in coastal ecosystems | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | NON-ISSF Tools | 0 |
Fishery Improvement Projects website Platform with information on the progress of some tuna fishery improvement projects. | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | NON-ISSF Tools | 0 |
Fisheryprogress.org Website and Resources Platform with information on the progress of global fishery improvement projects, as well as resources for FIPs and buyers. | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | NON-ISSF Tools | 0 |
From biodegradable to biodegradable FADs (PDF) See p. 37, Doc. No. j-FAD_08/2017 | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2016-18A: Workshop on the Use of Biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), English Biodegradable FADs - Workshop Report (ENG) | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2016-18B: Taller sobre el Uso de Dispositivos Concentradores de Peces Biodegradables (DCPs), Spanish Biodegradable FADs - Workshop Report (ESP) | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2016-18C: Atelier sur l’utilisation de Dispositifs de Concentration des Poissons (DCP) Biodégradables, French Biodegradable FADs - Workshop Report (FRA) | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2018-03: Efficiency of Electronic Monitoring on FAD-Related Activities by Supply Vessels in the Indian Ocean | Purse Seine | Supply Vessels | FIP Actions | Technical Reports | 0 |
ISSF 2018-07: Design Workshop on the Use of Biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices in Ghanaian Purse Seine and Pole and Line Tuna Fleets Biodegradable FADs - Ghana Workshop Report | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2018-16: A Pre-Assessment of the Sustainability of Global Tuna Fisheries Relative to Marine Stewardship Council Criteria: Principle 2 | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | MSC Principle 2 | Preassessment | Technical Reports | 0 |
ISSF 2018-19A: Workshop for the Reduction of the Impact of Fish Aggregating Devices' Structure on the Ecosystem, English | Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2018-19B: Taller para la Reduccion del Impacto de la Estructura de los Dispositivos Concentradores de Peces en el Ecosistema, Spanish | Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2019-08: Report of the International Workshop on Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries | Rome, Italy, 12-13 March 2019 The workshop focused on six sessions: (1) Bycatch of the tuna purse seine fishery, (2) sharks and rays, (3) small bigeye and yellowfin tuna, (4) FAD structure impacts, (5) FAD management, and, (6) looking ahead: the next 10 years. Hyperlink to presentations available in the Introduction section of the report. | Purse Seine | FADs | Preassessment | Technical Reports | 0 |
ISSF 2019-13: Towards Biodegradable FADs: Evaluating the Lifetime of Biodegradable Ropes in Controlled Conditions Results of tests of the lifetime and robustness of three types of biodegradable ropes for use in biodegradable FAD construction. | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2020-10: Recommended Best Practices for Tuna Longline Fisheries in Transition to MSC Certification | Longline | General | FIP Actions | Technical Reports | 0 |
ISSF 2020-11: Recommended Best Practices for Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries in Transition to MSC Certification, with Emphasis on FADs This document summarizes recommended best practices for tropical tuna FAD fisheries, linked to MSC Performance Indicators. | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions | Technical Reports | 0 |
ISSF 2020-13: Compendium of ISSF Research Activities to Reduce FAD Structure Impacts on the Ecosystem Includes recommendations on: FAD materials (biodegradable), FAD design, FAD management, etc. (p. 108) | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | FADs | 0 |
ISSF 2020-15: Information and monitoring best practices for tropical tuna purse seine fisheries relative to the MSC standard This paper describes best-practice monitoring activities for each MSC PI based on data needs, as well as to identify data monitoring systems, sources, and technology that can be used to collect this information. | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions | Technical Reports | 0 |
ISSF 2022-02: ISSF responsible fishing guidelines for tuna longline fisheries Key recommendations and best practices, useful for improving scores against the MSC standard or to address common weaknesses in FIP Action Plans | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions | Technical Reports | 0 |
ISSF 2023-10: Recommended Best Practices for FAD Management in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries (Update to 2019-11) This report provides practical examples that fleets could adopt as their FAD management policies. It is an update of ISSF Technical Report 2019-11. | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Technical Reports | 1 |
ISSF Conservation Measure 1.2: RFMO Participation | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | Compliance | FIP Actions, Preassessment | ISSF Conservation Measures | 0 |
ISSF Conservation Measure 3.7: Transactions with Vessels or Companies with Vessel-Based FAD Management Policies | Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | ISSF Conservation Measures | 0 |
ISSF Conservation Measure 7.4: Supply and Tender Vessels | Purse Seine | Supply Vessels | FIP Actions, Preassessment | ISSF Conservation Measures | 0 |
ISSF Glossary | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Glossary | 0 |
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, English | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, French | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Japanese | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Korean | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Simplified Chinese | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Spanish | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Traditional Chinese | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
Longline FIPs Best Practices checklist Checklist of actions that Longline FIPs can perform to achieve high-level best practices with the objective of achieving MSC certification. | Longline | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Checklist | 0 |
Marine Stewardship Council Guidance for Using the MSC Benchmarking and Tracking Tool (BMT) (PDF) Tool to benchmark and track fisheries as they progress towards sustainability and MSC certification | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | NON-ISSF Tools | 0 |
Performance evaluation of a shallow prototype versus a standard depth traditional design drifting fish-aggregating device in the equatorial eastern Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Other Papers | 0 |
Purse Seine FIPs Best Practices checklist Checklist of actions that Purse Seine FIPs can perform to achieve high-level best practices with the objective of achieving MSC certification. | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Checklist | 0 |
RFMO Position Statements | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | Advocacy | FIP Actions | Advocacy | 0 |
RFMO best practices papers - ISSF 2023-09: Survey of the Treatment of Support/Supply/Tender Vessels in Tuna RFMOs | Purse Seine | Supply Vessels | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Technical Reports | 0 |
Reducing FAD Impacts on Ocean & Coastal Ecosystems (Infographic) | Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Infographics | 0 |
Report card on ecosystem-based fisheries management in tuna regional fisheries management organizations | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | Ecosystem | Preassessment | Other Papers | 1 |
Report on analyses of the 2016/2021 PNA FAD tracking programme (24July-10Aug) - Rev.01 Example of analyses of FAD trajectory data provided to RFMO scientific bodies | Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions, Preassessment | NON-ISSF Tools | 0 |
Results of BIOFAD project: testing designs and identify options to mitigate impacts of drifting fish aggregating devices on the ecosystem | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
Review of Purse Seine Logbooks Used in the ICCAT Area and Recommendations for a Harmonised Form (PDF) | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions | Other Papers | 0 |
Side Events on Harvest Strategies, Harvest Control Rules, Management Strategy Evaluations, or Other Topics Fisheries improvement stakeholders have an opportunity to organize side events in collaboration with ISSF on a topic relevant to FIPs (e.g, harvest strategies, harvest control rules, management strategy evaluations, or other topics). Use the FIP Support Form to contact us. | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | Side Events | FIP Actions | Advocacy | 0 |
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Best Practices Report: Minimizing and Managing the Impact of Fisheries on Marine Food Webs | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | Ecosystem | FIP Actions, Preassessment | NON-ISSF Tools | 1 |
The Ideal Purse Seine Vessel: A Guide to Demonstrating Best Practices & Meeting ISSF Conservation Measures (Infographic) | Purse Seine | Bycatch all | FIP Actions | Infographics | 0 |
The Jelly-FAD: a paradigm shift in bio-FAD design This document (i) summarizes lessons learned in bio-FADs testing in the three oceans, (ii) proposes the new Jelly-FAD design, and (iii) provides recommendations to reduce the impact of dFADs and on bio-FADs construction and use. | Pole and Line, Purse Seine | FADs | FIP Actions | FADs | 0 |
Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI) FIP Fishing vessels can register on this public vessel list to show they are operating in Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)-certified fisheries, participating in Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs), or both. | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions | VOSI | 0 |
What Does Well-Managed FAD Use Look Like within a Tropical Purse Seine Fishery? (PDF) | Purse Seine | General | FIP Actions, Preassessment | Other Papers | 0 |
Who Determines Sustainability? (PDF) Publication on history and status of fishery certifications (including MSC) and FIPs | Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse Seine | General | Preassessment | NON-ISSF Tools | 0 |
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