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PI 2.2.2 Management (M)

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A multidisciplinary approach to build new designs of biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)

This paper describes new bio non-entangling FAD designs ISSF is developing ("Jelly-FAD") (Recommendations on FAD construction & trials on p. 12, photographic guide on p. 15)

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
Acoustic Discrimination Technology to Support Selective Fishing (infographic)

Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsInfographics0
Acoustic Discrimination Timeline: Research and Publications (infographic)

Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsInfographics0
Addressing FAD Ecological Impacts (Infographic)

This infographic explains how tuna fishers use FADs and lists four main ways that FADs affect non-target species (such as sharks and sea turtles) and ocean ecosystems.

Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsInfographics0

Includes results to-date on tested materials and designs, current state of bio-based plastic and Recommendations

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
Banning Is Not Enough: The Complexities of Oceanic Shark Management by Tuna Regional Fisheries Management Organizations

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP Actions, PreassessmentOther Papers0
Behavior of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), and bigeye (T. obsesus) tunas associated with drifting fish aggregating devices (dFADs) in the Indian Ocean, assessed through acoustic telemetry

Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Behaviour and Vulnerability of Target and Non-Target Species at Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) in the Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fishery Determined by Acoustic Telemetry

Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsOther Papers0
BioFADs: New Trials and Large-Scale Deployment (infographic)

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsInfographics0
Can drifting objects drive the movements of a vulnerable pelagic shark?

Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch SharksOther Papers0
Collective Best Practices for Well-Managed FAD Fisheries Guide (PDF)

Best practices for Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) fisheries collaboratively developed by the NGO Tuna Forum

Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Comparing Electronic Monitoring and human observer collected fishery data in the tropical tuna purse seine operating in the Eastern and Western and Central Pacific Ocean (PDF)

Purse SeineObserver Electronic Monitoring SystemsFIP ActionsElectronic Monitoring Systems0
Developing solutions to increase survival rates of vulnerable bycatch species in tuna purse seiner FAD fisheries

Examples of tools and techniques, includes photographs and diagrams

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Draft WCPFC E-Monitoring Standard Data Fields for Operational Longline Observer Data (PDF)

LonglineObserver Electronic Monitoring SystemsFIP ActionsElectronic Monitoring Systems0
Electronic Monitoring Systems

ISSF can provide guidance and share existing studies/projects on electronic monitoring systems from different fisheries.

Longline, Purse SeineObserver Electronic Monitoring SystemsFIP Actions, PreassessmentTechnical Services0
Electronic Monitoring Vendors and Data Submission Information

EMS vendors & providers (pp. 1-2)
FAD tracking & echosounder biomass data format guidance (pp. 5-6)
FAD tracking and echosounder biomass data tRFMO recipients (pp. 3)
LL Bycatch raw Data tRFMO recipients (pp. 4)

Longline, Purse SeineBycatch all, EMS, FADsFIP ActionsVoluntary Data Guidelines0
Electronic Reporting

ISSF can provide guidance and share existing studies/projects on electronic reporting from different fisheries.

Longline, Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsTechnical Services0
Electronic Reporting and Electronic Management Systems (WWF-FFA) (Infographic) (PDF)

Simplified materials to improve crew engagement in EmEr systems

Longline, Purse SeineObserver Electronic Monitoring SystemsFIP ActionsNON-ISSF Tools0
FAD Watch: a collaborative initiative to minimize the impact of FADs in coastal ecosystems

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsNON-ISSF Tools0
Fishery Improvement Projects website

Platform with information on the progress of some tuna fishery improvement projects.

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentNON-ISSF Tools0 Website and Resources

Platform with information on the progress of global fishery improvement projects, as well as resources for FIPs and buyers.

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentNON-ISSF Tools0
From biodegradable to biodegradable FADs (PDF)

See p. 37, Doc. No. j-FAD_08/2017

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsPreassessmentFADs0
Full Tuna Retention

PVR column that displays level of compliance with ISSF's requirement on full tuna (skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye) retention as per ISSF Conservation Measure 3.3

Purse SeineRetention / UtilizationFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0
Good Practices to Reduce the Mortality of Sharks and Rays Caught Incidentally by the Tropical Tuna Purse Seiners (PDF)

Detailed handling protocols for sharks and rays

Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Graphics for Best Handling Practices for the Safe Release of Sharks


Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP ActionsOther Papers0
How Far Are We from Discriminating Tuna Species at FADs?

At the link, see p. 35 in Doc. No. j-FAD_07/2017.

Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsOther Papers0
ISSF / IPNLF Skippers' Guidebook to Pole-and-Line Fishing Best Practices (PDF)

Pole and LineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
ISSF 2012-12: Harmonisation of Purse-Seine Data Collected by Tuna RFMO Observer Programmes

Purse SeineObserverFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2014-12: Exploration of Market Viability for the Full Retention of Non-Tuna Species in Purse Seine Fisheries

Purse SeineRetention / UtilizationFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2015-10: Global Comparison of Post Release Survival of Silky Sharks Caught by Tropical Tuna Purse Seiners

Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP Actions, PreassessmentTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2016-16: Implementation of Pilot Projects to Explore the Market Viability of Full-Retention of Non-Tuna Species in Purse Seine Fisheries

Purse SeineRetention / UtilizationFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2016-17: Mitigation of Silky Shark Bycatch in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries

Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2016-18A: Workshop on the Use of Biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), English

Biodegradable FADs - Workshop Report (ENG)

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2016-18B: Taller sobre el Uso de Dispositivos Concentradores de Peces Biodegradables (DCPs), Spanish

Biodegradable FADs - Workshop Report (ESP)

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2016-18C: Atelier sur l’utilisation de Dispositifs de Concentration des Poissons (DCP) Biodégradables, French

Biodegradable FADs - Workshop Report (FRA)

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2017-01: Computing a Global Rate of Non-Target Species Catch (Bycatch) in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries

Purse SeineBycatch allPreassessmentTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2017-06: A Summary of Bycatch Issues and ISSF Mitigation Activities to Date in Purse-Seine Fisheries, with Emphasis on FADs

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2017-07: Towards Global Non-Entangling Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) Use in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries Through a Participatory Approach

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2018-03: Efficiency of Electronic Monitoring on FAD-Related Activities by Supply Vessels in the Indian Ocean

Purse SeineSupply VesselsFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2018-07: Design Workshop on the Use of Biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices in Ghanaian Purse Seine and Pole and Line Tuna Fleets

Biodegradable FADs - Ghana Workshop Report

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2018-19A: Workshop for the Reduction of the Impact of Fish Aggregating Devices' Structure on the Ecosystem, English

Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2018-19B: Taller para la Reduccion del Impacto de la Estructura de los Dispositivos Concentradores de Peces en el Ecosistema, Spanish

Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2018-20: Compendium of ISSF At-Sea Bycatch Mitigation Research Activities as of September 2018

Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2019-08: Report of the International Workshop on Mitigating Environmental Impacts of Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries | Rome, Italy, 12-13 March 2019

The workshop focused on six sessions: (1) Bycatch of the tuna purse seine fishery, (2) sharks and rays, (3) small bigeye and yellowfin tuna, (4) FAD structure impacts, (5) FAD management, and, (6) looking ahead: the next 10 years. Hyperlink to presentations available in the Introduction section of the report.

Purse SeineFADsPreassessmentTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2019-13: Towards Biodegradable FADs: Evaluating the Lifetime of Biodegradable Ropes in Controlled Conditions

Results of tests of the lifetime and robustness of three types of biodegradable ropes for use in biodegradable FAD construction.

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2020-01: ISSF Skippers Workshops Round 9

Summary of 2019 ISSF skipper WS outcomes including fleets' level of acceptance and advances in various bycatch mitigation activities in different ocean regions.

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsSkippers Workshops0
ISSF 2020-10: Recommended Best Practices for Tuna Longline Fisheries in Transition to MSC Certification

LonglineGeneralFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2020-11: Recommended Best Practices for Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries in Transition to MSC Certification, with Emphasis on FADs

This document summarizes recommended best practices for tropical tuna FAD fisheries, linked to MSC Performance Indicators.

Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2020-13: Compendium of ISSF Research Activities to Reduce FAD Structure Impacts on the Ecosystem

Includes recommendations on: FAD materials (biodegradable), FAD design, FAD management, etc. (p. 108)

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF 2020-15: Information and monitoring best practices for tropical tuna purse seine fisheries relative to the MSC standard

This paper describes best-practice monitoring activities for each MSC PI based on data needs, as well as to identify data monitoring systems, sources, and technology that can be used to collect this information.

Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2021-11: Questions and Answers About FADs and Bycatch

Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralPreassessmentTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2022-02: ISSF responsible fishing guidelines for tuna longline fisheries

Key recommendations and best practices, useful for improving scores against the MSC standard or to address common weaknesses in FIP Action Plans

Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsTechnical Reports0
ISSF 2022-09Rev: Minimum Standards for Electronic Monitoring Systems in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine and Longline Fisheries

Longline, Purse SeineObserver Electronic Monitoring SystemsFIP ActionsElectronic Monitoring Systems0
ISSF 2023-03: ISSF Workshop on Different Approaches to Limit the Number of FADs in the Oceans.

Report of the workshop that includes recommendations on actions that can be taken to incentivize fewer FAD deployments and higher rates of FAD recovery.

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentFADs0
ISSF Conservation Measure 1.2: RFMO Participation

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineComplianceFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 3.1: Sharks

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch allFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 3.2: Large-Scale Pelagic Driftnets Prohibition

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch allFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 3.3: Full Retention of Tunas

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch allFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 3.4: Skipper Best Practices

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch allFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 3.5: Transactions with Vessels that Use Only Non-entangling FADs

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch allFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 3.7: Transactions with Vessels or Companies with Vessel-Based FAD Management Policies

Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 7.1 (a): Controlled Vessels - Purse Seine and Supply & Tender

Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 7.1 (b): Controlled Vessels - Longline

LonglineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Conservation Measure 7.4: Supply and Tender Vessels

Purse SeineSupply VesselsFIP Actions, PreassessmentISSF Conservation Measures0
ISSF Glossary

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentGlossary0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, English

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, French

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Indonesian

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Japanese

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Korean

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Simplified Chinese

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Spanish

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Tagalog

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Traditional Chinese

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Non-Entangling and Biodegradable FADs Guide, Vietnamese

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
ISSF Skippers Workshops -- General Description

Longline, Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsSkippers Workshops0
Longline FIPs Best Practices checklist

Checklist of actions that Longline FIPs can perform to achieve high-level best practices with the objective of achieving MSC certification.

LonglineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentChecklist0
Marine Stewardship Council Guidance for Using the MSC Benchmarking and Tracking Tool (BMT) (PDF)

Tool to benchmark and track fisheries as they progress towards sustainability and MSC certification

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentNON-ISSF Tools0
Minimum Standards for Vessel Electronic Monitoring Systems (infographic)

Purse SeineObserver Electronic Monitoring SystemsFIP ActionsInfographics0
Minimum standards for designing and implementing Electronic Monitoring systems in Indian Ocean tuna fisheries.

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineObserver Electronic Monitoring SystemsFIP ActionsElectronic Monitoring Systems0
Movement behaviour and fishery interaction of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Western Indian Ocean

Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP ActionsOther Papers0

PVR column that displays level of compliance with ISSF's requirement that the vessel's company has a policy on the use of non-entangling FADs, as per ISSF Conservation Measure 3.5

Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0
New assessment on accidentally captured silky shark post-release survival in the Indian Ocean tuna purse seine fishery.

Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP ActionsOther Papers0
No L-S Driftnet

PVR column that displays level of compliance with ISSF's requirement that there is no known use of large-scale drifnets by the vessel as per ISSF Conservation Measure 3.2

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch allFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0

PVR column that displays level of compliance with ISSF's requirement on observer coverage for the vessel's type and size as per ISSF Conservation Measure 4.3

Purse SeineObserverFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0
OnBoard SPC App

Electronic fishing logsheet and e-reporting for the WCPFC area. This app allow longline vessels to connect and send data to Tufman 2 Database.

LonglineGeneralFIP ActionsNON-ISSF Tools0
Performance evaluation of a shallow prototype versus a standard depth traditional design drifting fish-aggregating device in the equatorial eastern Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentOther Papers0
ProActive Vessel Register (PVR)

Fishing vessels can register on the this public vessel list to show how they are following best practices that support sustainable tuna fisheries.

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0
Protecting Sharks: Reducing Shark Bycatch in Purse Seine Fisheries (Infographic)

Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP ActionsInfographics0
Purse Seine FIPs Best Practices checklist

Checklist of actions that Purse Seine FIPs can perform to achieve high-level best practices with the objective of achieving MSC certification.

Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentChecklist0
Purse Seine Observer Training Guide, English

Web version

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Purse Seine Observer Training Guide, English

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Purse Seine Observer Training Guide, French

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Purse Seine Observer Training Guide, Spanish

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
RFMO Position Statements

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineAdvocacyFIP ActionsAdvocacy0
RFMO best practices papers - ISSF 2023-08: Survey of RFMO Observer Programs and a Set of Best Practices

Purse SeineObserverFIP Actions, PreassessmentTechnical Reports0
RFMO best practices papers - ISSF 2023-09: Survey of the Treatment of Support/Supply/Tender Vessels in Tuna RFMOs

Purse SeineSupply VesselsFIP Actions, PreassessmentTechnical Reports0
Reducing FAD Impacts on Ocean & Coastal Ecosystems (Infographic)

Purse SeineFADsFIP Actions, PreassessmentInfographics0
Results of BIOFAD project: testing designs and identify options to mitigate impacts of drifting fish aggregating devices on the ecosystem

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
Retaining Bycatch to Avoid Wastage of Fishery Resources: How Important Is Bycatch Landed by Purse-Seiners in Abidjan? (PDF)

Purse SeineRetention / UtilizationPreassessmentOther Papers0
Review of Purse Seine Logbooks Used in the ICCAT Area and Recommendations for a Harmonised Form (PDF)

Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Atlantic Ocean (English)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Atlantic Ocean (French)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Eastern Pacific Ocean (English)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Eastern Pacific Ocean (Korean)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Eastern Pacific Ocean (Spanish)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Eastern Pacific Ocean (Taiwanese)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Western & Central Pacific Ocean & Indian Ocean (Bahasa/Malay)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Western & Central Pacific Ocean & Indian Ocean (Chinese)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Western & Central Pacific Ocean & Indian Ocean (English)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Western & Central Pacific Ocean & Indian Ocean (Tagalog)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Saving the Mobula Rays Poster: Western & Central Pacific Ocean & Indian Ocean (Taiwanese)

Poster includes Mobula rays ID guide and safe-release best practices

Purse SeineBycatch RaysFIP ActionsPoster0
Shark Finning Policy

PVR column that displays level of compliance with ISSF's requirement that the vessel's company has a policy prohibiting shark finning, as per ISSF Conservation Measure 3.1.a

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0
Shark Finning Prohibition Transactions (I)

PVR column that displays level of compliance with ISSF's requirement that there is no known recent finding of the vessel conducting shark finning, as per ISSF Conservation Measure 3.1.a

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0
Side Events on Harvest Strategies, Harvest Control Rules, Management Strategy Evaluations, or Other Topics

Fisheries improvement stakeholders have an opportunity to organize side events in collaboration with ISSF on a topic relevant to FIPs (e.g, harvest strategies, harvest control rules, management strategy evaluations, or other topics). Use the FIP Support Form to contact us.

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineSide EventsFIP ActionsAdvocacy0
Skipper WS / Guidebook

PVR column that displays level of compliance with ISSF's requirement on skipper education as per ISSF Conservation Measure 3.4

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP Actions, PreassessmentProActive Vessel Register / Column0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Chinese Simplified

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Chinese Traditional

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, English

Web version

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, English

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, French

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Indonesian

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Japanese

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Korean

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Spanish

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Tagalog

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices, Vietnamese

Download an ePub or PDF

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Chinese Simplified

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Chinese Traditional

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, English

Web version

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, English

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, French

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Indonesian

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Japanese

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Korean

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Spanish

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Tagalog

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Skippers' Guidebook to Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices, Vietnamese

Download an ePub or PDF

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsGuidebooks0
Species Identification Guide: Atlantic Ocean, Sharks-2 (ICCAT) (PDF)

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineBycatch SharksFIP ActionsSpecies Identification Guides0
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership: Best Practices for Reducing Bycatch in Longline Tuna Fisheries (PDF)

LonglineBycatch allFIP ActionsNON-ISSF Tools0
Target strength of skipjack tuna (Katsuwanus pelamis) associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs)

Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Testing Designs and Identify Options to Mitigate Impacts of Drifting FADs on the Ecosystem

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
The Ideal Purse Seine Vessel: A Guide to Demonstrating Best Practices & Meeting ISSF Conservation Measures (Infographic)

Purse SeineBycatch allFIP ActionsInfographics0
The Jelly-FAD: a paradigm shift in bio-FAD design

This document (i) summarizes lessons learned in bio-FADs testing in the three oceans, (ii) proposes the new Jelly-FAD design, and (iii) provides recommendations to reduce the impact of dFADs and on bio-FADs construction and use.

Pole and Line, Purse SeineFADsFIP ActionsFADs0
Towards Acoustic Discrimination of Tuna Species at FADs: Measuring Acoustic Properties of Yellowfin Tuna (PDF)

Purse SeineAcousticsFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Utilization and Trade of Faux-Poisson Landed in Abidjan (PDF)

Purse SeineRetention / UtilizationFIP ActionsOther Papers0
Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI) FIP

Fishing vessels can register on this public vessel list to show they are operating in Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)-certified fisheries, participating in Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs), or both.

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralFIP ActionsVOSI0
What Does Well-Managed FAD Use Look Like within a Tropical Purse Seine Fishery? (PDF)

Purse SeineGeneralFIP Actions, PreassessmentOther Papers0
Who Determines Sustainability? (PDF)

Publication on history and status of fishery certifications (including MSC) and FIPs

Gillnet, Longline, Pole and Line, Purse SeineGeneralPreassessmentNON-ISSF Tools0