Scientific Reports
ISSF scientific research reports are available to download in PDF format. We hope you find them valuable, and we appreciate your support of our work.
The covers of our reports include suggested citations to make it easy to cite ISSF reports in your own research. Many of our reports are resources for fishery improvement projects (FIPs).
An asterisk at the end of a research report title indicates that older versions of a frequently published report are available. If you would like to request an older version of a report, write to us at [email protected].
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ISSF 2022-08: Combatting IUU Fishing: Continual Improvement and Best Practices for IUU Listing Measures in Tuna RFMOs*
April 3, 2023 | Claire van der Geest
ISSF 2022-01: Biology and Stock Status of Minor Commercial Tunas: Summary of Current Knowledge and Gaps
February 16, 2022 | Dr. Lorena Recio, Dr. Hilario Murua, Dr. Victor Restrepo
ISSF 2022-02: ISSF Responsible Fishing Guidelines for Tuna Longline Fisheries
January 27, 2022 | Juan Pedro Monteagudo, Dr. Hilario Murua, Dr. Victor Restrepo, Holly Koehler
ISSF 2021-11: Questions and Answers About FADs and Bycatch*
June 10, 2021 | Dr. Hilario Murua, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Dr. Gala Moreno, Ana Justel-Rubio, Dr. Victor Restrepo
ISSF 2020-15: Information and Monitoring Best Practices for Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries Relative to the MSC Standard
September 8, 2020 | Dr. Hilario Murua, Ana Justel-Rubio, Dr. Gala Moreno, Dr. Victor Restrepo
ISSF 2020-13: Compendium of ISSF Research Activities to Reduce FAD Structure Impacts on the Ecosystem
April 30, 2020 | Dr. Gala Moreno, Dr. Jefferson Murua, Ahmed Riyaz Jauharee, Iker Zudaire, Dr. Hilario Murua, Dr. Victor Restrepo
ISSF 2020-11: Recommended Best Practices for Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries in Transition to MSC Certification, with an Emphasis on FADs*
March 16, 2020 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Ana Justel-Rubio, Juan Pedro Monteagudo, Dr. Gala Moreno, Dr. Hilario Murua
ISSF 2020-10: Recommended Best Practices for Tuna Longline Fisheries in Transition to MSC Certification*
March 16, 2020 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Juan Pedro Monteagudo, Ana Justel-Rubio, Dr. Hilario Murua
ISSF 2020-01: ISSF Skippers Workshops Round 9*
January 9, 2020 | Dr. Jefferson Murua, Dr. Gala Moreno, David Itano, Martin Hall, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Dr. Victor Restrepo