Scientific Reports
ISSF scientific research reports are available to download in PDF format. We hope you find them valuable, and we appreciate your support of our work.
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ISSF 2016-18C: Atelier sur l’utilisation de Dispositifs de concentration des poissons (DCP) biodégradables
January 16, 2017 | Dr. Gala Moreno, Dr. Victor Restrepo, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Martin Hall, Dr. Jefferson Murua, Igor Sancristobal, Maitane Grande, Sarah Le Couls, Dr. Josu Santiago
ISSF 2016-18B: Taller sobre el Uso de Dispositivos Concentradores de Peces Biodegradables (DCPs)
December 19, 2016 | Dr. Gala Moreno, Dr. Victor Restrepo, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Martin Hall, Dr. Jefferson Murua, Igor Sancristobal, Maitane Grande, Sarah Le Couls, Dr. Josu Santiago
ISSF 2016-18A: Workshop on the Use of Biodegradable Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs)
December 18, 2016 | Dr. Gala Moreno, Dr. Victor Restrepo, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Martin Hall, Dr. Jefferson Murua, Igor Sancristobal, Maitane Grande, Sarah Le Couls, Dr. Josu Santiago
ISSF 2016-17: Mitigation of Silky Shark Bycatch in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries
December 9, 2016 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Dr. Gala Moreno
ISSF 2016-15: A Comparative Study of Annual Tuna Catches from Two Different Sources: FAO Global Capture Database vs. Tuna RFMOs Statistical Databases (2000-2014)
October 6, 2016 | Ana Justel-Rubio, Luca Garibaldi, Dr. John Hampton, Dr. Mark Maunder, Dr. Victor Restrepo
ISSF 2016-10: A Maximum Likelihood Approach for Calculating Fish Hold Volume for Tuna Purse Seine Vessels
June 22, 2016 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Ana Justel-Rubio
ISSF 2016-09: Training of Costa Rican Longline Fishermen, Observers and Government Agencies on Sea Turtles Survival
June 20, 2016 | Sandra Andraka, Mariluz Parga
ISSF 2016-08: Advances in the Use of Entanglement-Reducing Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices in Tuna Purse Seiners
April 28, 2016 | Dr. Jefferson Murua, David Itano, Martin Hall, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Dr. Gala Moreno, Dr. Victor Restrepo