Scientific Reports
ISSF scientific research reports are available to download in PDF format. We hope you find them valuable, and we appreciate your support of our work.
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ISSF 2014-08: Updated Guidance on Electronic Monitoring Systems for Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries*
June 5, 2014 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Javier Ariz, Jon Ruiz, Ana Justel-Rubio, Pierre Chavance
ISSF 2014-06: ISSF Skipper Workshops. Collaboration between Scientists and Fishing Industry to Mitigate Bycatch
April 16, 2014 | Dr. Jefferson Murua, Dr. Gala Moreno, Martin Hall, David Itano, Dr. Laurent Dagorn, Dr. Victor Restrepo
ISSF 2014-13: Report of the 2014 ISSF Capacity Transfer Workshop
April 7, 2014 | ISSF
ISSF 2014-03: Report of the ISSF Workshop on FADs as Ecological Traps
March 13, 2014 | ISSF
ISSF 2013-08: Relationship between Gross Tonnage and Overall Length for Vessels on the ICCAT Record
August 11, 2013 | Dr. Victor Restrepo
ISSF 2013-07: Vessel Buybacks in Purse Seine Tuna Fisheries. The Role of Auction and Financing Structures
June 11, 2013 | Joshua Graff Zivin
ISSF 2013-06: Fishing Capacity and Efficient Fleet Configuration in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
April 15, 2013 | Dr. Dale Squires, Jeffrey Shrader