Document: ISSF 2016-07: Application of Electronic Monitoring Systems in Tuna Longline Fisheries. International Workshop
The Workshop was convened for the purpose of discussing the potential use of electronic monitoring system (EMS), particularly in tuna fisheries. The Workshop objectives were to (i) build on lessons learned to explore how EM can be implemented in tropical tuna fisheries; (ii) build broader awareness of EM technologies among stakeholders, including regulators, managers, industry and the public; and (iii) identify key implementation challenges and develop specific recommendations for EMS implementation in tuna RFMOs or in national programs. The Workshop was organized by the Fisheries Agency of Taiwan (FA) and the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF). The Overseas Fisheries Development Council and the Fisheries Development Council International helped co-organize the Workshop.
The Workshop was attended by 156 participants with diverse interests, including from government, fishing industry, research organizations, EMS service providers and NGOs. The Workshop was opened by Tzu-Yaw Tsay, Director-General of the FA.
The Workshop was organized into three sessions of presentations and question-answer periods and one general discussion session that were facilitated by different Moderators. Twelve presentations were made during the sessions, followed by question, answer and discussion periods. Copies of the presentations can be downloaded from
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