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Document: ISSF 2011-13: Allocation of Property Rights in Global Tuna Fisheries. Cordoba Conference, Sep 2011

The Cordoba Conference on the Allocation of Property Rights in Global Tuna Fisheries (Cordoba Conference) brought together a distinguished group of negotiators, scholars, representatives of RFMOs, industry, environmental NGOs and other international institutions. The conference provided an opportunity for the participants to engage in debate and discussion in a collaborative and neutral venue on the issue of allocation of property rights and subsequent use rights in multi-lateral tuna manage- ment programs. The participants took part in their personal capacity and are listed in Annex 1.

Recognizing the complexity and heterogeneous management of tuna stocks by all five RFMOs, the conference covered a wide range of common issues and problems, and proposed guidelines and recommendations. The conference recognized no one solution will be appropriate for all oceans.

This report covers the range of ideas presented at the conference but does not necessarily represent a consensus on all issues.

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