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Dr. Victor Restrepo’s Post Archive

In addition to his work as vice president, science, Dr. Restrepo currently serves as chair of the ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee and as a member of the ISSF Board of Directors. Previously, he worked with the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Dr. Restrepo has also served as the chief of the NOAA/NMFS Sustainable Fisheries Division in the southeast US, where he acted as head scientist of the USA Delegation to ICCAT. He has also spent time as a popul…

ISSF 2025-02: Tuna Fisheries’ Impacts on Non-Tuna Species and Other Environmental Aspects: 2025 Update*

March 17, 2025 | Dr. Victor Restrepo, Dr. Hilario Murua, Ana Justel-Rubio, Holly Koehler, Dr. Gala Moreno

Better Designed, Better Managed FADs

June 7, 2023 | Dr. Victor Restrepo