A plot that shows the trajectory of the status of a stock over time, its current status, or both. Stock abundance is on the X-axis and fishing mortality on the Y-axis. These are often shown relative to Spawning Stock Biomass capable of producing MSY (SSBMSY) and fishing mortality (FMSY) capable of producing MSY, respectively. The Kobe plot is usually divided into four quadrants by using a vertical line at SSB=SSBMSY and a horizontal line at F=FMSY and, hence, can graphically depict whether the stock is overfished and/or subject to overfishing. The green quadrant on the lower right indicates a stock that is neither overfished nor subject to overfishing. The orange quadrant on the upper right indicates a stock that is not overfished but is subject to overfishing. The yellow quadrant on the lower left indicates a stock that is overfished but no longer subject to overfishing. The red quadrant on the upper left indicates a stock that is both overfished and subject to overfishing.