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About Us

In 2009, a global coalition of acclaimed scientists, seafood industry leaders, and environmental champions launched the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) based on shared concerns about the future of tuna fisheries and a desire to do something about it — together.

Now in our second decade, we continue to conduct collaborative scientific research and advocate sustainable-fishing policies — promoting best practices to vessel owners, fishers, seafood companies, Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, and other stakeholders.

Our Mission

Continuously Improving Sustainability

To undertake and facilitate science-based initiatives to continuously improve the sustainability of global tuna fisheries and the health of the ecosystems that support them.

Our Objective

MSC-Certified Tuna Fisheries

To continuously improve the sustainability of global tuna fisheries and the ecosystems that support them to result in those fisheries meeting and maintaining the MSC certification standard.

We Focus on Sustainable Tuna

ISSF is a global research and advocacy non-governmental organization (NGO) focused on tuna sustainability.

We do not rate the sustainability of seafood choices, however, or make seafood purchase recommendations for consumers. ISSF also does not certify seafood or fisheries or provide an eco-label — like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) “blue check” —  for seafood products.

Instead, we help fisheries to meet and maintain MSC certification requirements for sustainable fishing. We guide businesses in understanding and implementing best practices. We also provide independently verified information about practices of participating companies and vessels through audit reports and our ProActive Vessel Register and Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives lists.


ISSF is unique in uniting a long-term vision of conservation with a businesslike concern for accountability and results.

2023-2027 Strategic Plan

Continuously Improving Global Tuna Fishery Sustainability outlines ISSF’s approach to achieving its  objective by 2027. 

ISSF 2023 Annual Report

Navigating Toward Sustainable Tuna Fisheries explores ISSF’s challenges, milestones, and achievement in 2023.

Compliance Report

The Update to ISSF Annual Conservation Measures & ProActive Vessel Register Compliance Report (November 2024) (PDF) examines how all ISSF participating companies and PVR vessels performed in 2023 against relevant ISSF conservation measures.

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