Vessel & Company Commitments
Conservation Measures
ISSF's Role
Our conservation measures help seafood companies make sustainability a central part of how they do business.
Our Conservation Measures
We develop conservation measures to help seafood companies and vessels improve the sustainability of tuna fisheries.
Report a Compliance Issue
Use this form to contact ISSF about a compliance concern.
Participating Companies & Compliance
Participating Companies
ISSF participating companies include tuna processors, traders, and marketers worldwide.
Audit Process
Through third-party auditing, we report on participating companies’ compliance with ISSF conservation measures.
Compliance Report
Download our PDF report tracking participating companies’ and PVR vessels’ compliance with ISSF conservation measures.
Participating Company Audit Reports
We publish compliance reports tracking conformance with ISSF conservation measures for each ISSF participating company.
Data Check Companies
ISSF Data Check Companies commit to conform to, and be audited on, a more limited set of conservation measures.
ProActive Vessel Register (PVR)
Fishing vessels can be registered on the ProActive Vessel Register (PVR) to show how they are following sustainability best practices.
ProActive Vessel Register (PVR) List
Learn about vessels worldwide that are registered on ISSF’s PVR.
Apply to the PVR
Find out how to apply to have vessels listed on the PVR.
PVR Auditing Process
Vessels listed on the PVR undergo regular auditing to verify their compliance with ISSF conservation measures.
Find answers to common questions about the PVR.
Terms of PVR Participation
Read the terms and conditions that govern vessel listing on the PVR.
Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI)
Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI)
VOSI lists vessels that have made certain sustainability commitments beyond those reflected on the ProActive Vessel Register (PVR).
Vessels in Other Sustainability Initiatives (VOSI) List
Each record on the VOSI list, which is verified through a third-party audit process, includes the vessel UVI number, vessel flag, vessel type, and other details.
Apply to the VOSI
Vessels of all gear types that have made certain sustainability commitments beyond those reflected on ISSF’s PVR are eligible to be listed on the VOSI.
VOSI Auditing Process
Audits of vessels listed in the VOSI are carried out remotely and organized on two levels to ensure auditing goals are met.
Other Vessel Lists
Public Vessel List Overview
In addition to the PVR, ISSF maintains three other public vessel lists.
Record of Large-Scale Purse Seine Vessels
Our Record of Large-Scale Purse Seine Vessels (LSPSR) lists large-scale, tropical-tuna purse-seine vessels worldwide.
Tuna Vessel IMOs and Other UVI Numbers
International Maritime Organization (IMO) numbers and Unique Vessel Identifiers (UVIs) assist in vessel identification.